Search Results (List)

Dataset: NY-Vascular Plants
Search Criteria: Gabon; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 26, records 2501-2600 of 3350

New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Bikinia durandii (F.Hallé & Normand) Wieringa
04801614F. J. Breteler   128201994-11-11
Gabon, Estuaire, Crystal Mountains. 3 km NE of Kinguélé, road to Tchimbélé., 0.4683 10.2967, 230m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Bikinia letestui (Pellegr.) Wieringa
4801624J. M. Reitsma   30701987-02-18
Gabon, near village Ekobakoba; inventory., 0.38 13.1

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia pentagona (Schumach.) Hook.f.
04792954J. J. Wieringa   61742008-01-25
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, c.40 km ENE of Lastoursville, 17 km on forestry road from Bambidie heading N., -0.6244 13.0033, 380m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Newtonia duparquetiana (Baill.) Keay
4793530J. M. Reitsma   7701985-04-12
Gabon, ca. 50-150 m. inward; Ca. 4 km N. of Libreville., 0.48 9.38

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Newtonia duparquetiana (Baill.) Keay
04793529J. M. Reitsma   20501986-03-26
Gabon, ca. 10 km NNW of Libreville., 0.57 9.4

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Newtonia duparquetiana (Baill.) Keay
4793531J. M. Reitsma   6971985-03-19
Gabon, Near beach, ca. 3 km N.W. of Libreville., 0.48 9.38

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Newtonia griffoniana (Baill.) Baker f.
04793533J. M. Reitsma   35041987-05-21
Gabon, near village Ekobakoba, 50 m. SE of Makokou; Inventory., 0.38 13.1

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Newtonia leucocarpa (Harms) G.C.C.Gilbert & Boutique
04793537J. M. Reitsma   13971985-08-25
Gabon, Monts Doudou ca. 25 km. SW of Doussala; chantier CEB., -2.5 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Newtonia leucocarpa (Harms) G.C.C.Gilbert & Boutique
04793536J. M. Reitsma   12981985-08-09
Gabon, Malibe, 0.55 9.37

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04799001G. M. P. C. Le Testu   1583
Gabon, Tchibanga

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04793580F. J. Breteler   153611999-11-05
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. On exploitation road to NE., -0.72 12.98, 300m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4793592J. M. Reitsma   19771986-03-01
Gabon, Inventory, ca 25 km SW of Mintsi, 0.73 11.37

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Entada mannii (Oliv.) Tisser.
4793421J. M. Reitsma   21581986-05-07
Gabon, ca. 10 km of Oveng. (N), 0.72 11.28

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4793321J. M. Reitsma   11051985-05-22
Gabon, Chantier CEB, ca. 15 km. S of Doussala, -3.5 10.67

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Tessmannia lescrauwaetii (De Wild.) Harms
04800358G. M. P. C. Le Testu   85621932-04-18
Gabon, Région de LASTOURSVILLE

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Tessmannia lescrauwaetii (De Wild.) Harms
04800357F. J. Breteler   149661999-02-09
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. Makande., -0.68 11.92

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04800359F. J. Breteler   146181998-11-09
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Gamba, near Vembo., -2.7 9.93, 5m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Tessmannia nervosa Breteler
04800360J. J. Wieringa   33241994-11-17
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, 29 km ENE of Lastoursville, 3 km on CEB road B1., -0.715 12.975

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Intsia bella
04799890T.-J. Klaine   2751901-08-20

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaecrista mimosoides var. mimosoides
4799503J. M. Reitsma   5971985-02-26
Gabon, Sabliere, ca 6.5 km N of Libreville, near village Nzogobeyok., 0.52 9.37

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04799611G. M. P. C. Le Testu   96061932-04-18
Gabon, Région Entre Ogooué et Cameroun

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04799704G. M. P. C. Le Testu   57091928-05-03
Gabon, Haute Ngounyé

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Englerodendron gabunense (J.Léonard) Breteler
04799763F. J. Breteler   110811992-04-24
Gabon, Moyen-Ogooué, c. 5-30 km NNW of Ndjolé., -0.08 10.75

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Gilletiodendron pierreanum (Harms) J.Léonard
4799812J. M. Reitsma   14841985-09-20
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Ocean, Oveng; ca. 25 km SW of Mintsic. Inventory, 0.73 11.37

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Gilletiodendron pierreanum (Harms) J.Léonard
4799815J. M. Reitsma   15451985-09-23
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Océan, Oveng; ca. 25 km SW of Mintsic. Inventory, 0.73 11.37

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Gilletiodendron pierreanum (Harms) J.Léonard
4799813J. M. Reitsma   12001985-06-23
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Ocean, Oveng Inventory, 0.73 11.37

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Gilletiodendron pierreanum (Harms) J.Léonard
4799814J. M. Reitsma   12121985-06-24
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Ocean, Oveng Inventory, 0.73 11.37

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Prioria oxyphylla (Harms) Breteler
04800048F. J. Breteler   154591999-11-12
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville., -0.73 12.97, 300m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04791721G. M. P. C. Le Testu   95141936-05-19
Gabon, Région entre Ogooué et Cameroun

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Sindoropsis letestui (Pellegr.) J.Léonard
04800307J. M. Reitsma   23281986-06-23
Gabon, Lopé-reserve chantier SOFORGA; inventory., -0.5 11.55

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Sindoropsis letestui (Pellegr.) J.Léonard
04800306F. J. Breteler   148601999-01-30
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. Km 30 Makande - La Lopé., -0.68 11.92

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Toubaouate brevipaniculatum (J.Léonard) Aubrév. & Pellegr.
4800377J. M. Reitsma   24681986-07-17
Gabon, ca. 45 km. SW of Doussala; Inventory., -2.55 10.73

NY:Vascular Plants
5021215J. M. Reitsma   7751985-04-12
Gabon, ca. 50-150 m. inward; Ca. 4 km N. of Libreville., 0.48 9.38

NY:Vascular Plants
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn.
5021230J. M. Reitsma   33511987-04-19
Gabon, Forestry Camp Doussala, -2.33 10.67

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Drynaria laurentii (Christ) Hieron.
3939460J. M. Reitsma   7481985-03-31
Gabon, Forestry camp Oveng (chantier Rougier Océan), 0.65 11.27

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4050630J. M. Reitsma   7451985-03-31
Gabon, Forestry camp Oveng (chantier Rougier Océan), 0.65 11.27

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4736768J. M. Reitsma   7411985-03-31
Gabon, Forestry camp Oveng (chantier Rougier Océan), 0.65 11.27

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4799742J. M. Reitsma   19171986-02-20
Gabon, Inventory; ca. 50 km SW of Forestry Camp Doussala., -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04799850J. M. Reitsma   29361987-02-08
Gabon, ca. 15 km. NW of forestry camp Oveng., 0.75 11.18

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lonchitis currorii (Hook.) Mett. ex Kuhn
04016275J. M. Reitsma   29941987-02-11
Gabon, ca. 4 km. NNW of Oveng, 0.68 11.28, 887m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4050649J. M. Reitsma   29911987-02-11
Gabon, ca. 4 km. NNW of Oveng, 0.68 11.28, 887m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4050747J. M. Reitsma   29891987-02-11
Gabon, ca. 4 km. NNW of Oveng, 0.68 11.28, 887m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04050844J. M. Reitsma   30481987-02-13
Gabon, ca. 15 km. N of Oveng., 0.75 11.28

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium varians Hook. & Grev.
4051204J. M. Reitsma   29881987-02-11
Gabon, ca. 4 km. NNW of Oveng, 0.68 11.28, 887m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Parapolystichum currorii (Mett.) Rouhan
04073805J. M. Reitsma   29201987-02-08
Gabon, ca. 15 km. NW of forestry -camp Oveng., 0.75 11.18

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04793433J. M. Reitsma   12201985-06-24
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Ocean; forestry road Oveng- Mintsic, ca 15 km NE of Oveng, 0.72 11.38

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4736201J. M. Reitsma   29831987-02-11
Gabon, ca. 4 km. NNW of Oveng, 0.68 11.28, 887m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Floscopa mannii C.B.Clarke
04736139J. M. Reitsma   30291987-02-13
Gabon, ca. 15 km. N of Oveng., 0.75 11.28

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Costus lucanusianus J.Braun & K.Schum.
04737788J. M. Reitsma   16101985-09-25
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Océan, ca. 8 km S of Oveng., 0.63 11.3

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04737800J. M. Reitsma   15131985-09-20
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Océan, 40 km NW of Oveng., 0.77 11.1

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04775064J. M. Reitsma   15371985-09-22
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Océan, ca. 38 km NW of Oveng., 0.72 11.1

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4775068J. M. Reitsma   12411985-06-26
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Ocean, Oveng Inventory

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Uvaria muricata Pierre ex Engl. & Diels
04774917J. M. Reitsma   19981986-03-02
Gabon, Forestry Camp Oveng, (Chantier Rougier Océan.), 0.73 11.35

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04799614J. M. Reitsma   15281985-09-22
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Océan, ca. 38 km NW of Oveng., 0.72 11.1

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze
4793555J. M. Reitsma   15331985-09-22
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Océan, 38 km NW of Oveng., 0.72 11.1

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4802799J. M. Reitsma   15531985-09-23
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Ocean, Oveng; ca. 25 km SW of Mintsic. Inventory, 0.73 11.37

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4802802J. M. Reitsma   7641985-04-03
Gabon, Forestry road Oveng-Mintsic., 0.68 11.33

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heisteria trillesiana Pierre ex Heckel
4752638J. M. Reitsma   15941985-09-25
Gabon, Chantier Rougier Océan; ca. 25 km NNW of Oveng. Inventory, 0.73 11.37

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04800354J. M. Reitsma   29301987-02-08
Gabon, ca. 15 km. NW of forestry-camp Oveng., 0.75 11.18

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4809693J. M. Reitsma   8681985-05-07
Gabon, Chantier Rougier-Ocean, Oveng; (very old plantations and a lot of elephant trails), 0.87 11.17

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4809692J. M. Reitsma   30371987-02-13
Gabon, ca. 15 km. N of Oveng., 0.75 11.28

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
3957466J. M. Reitsma   1971A1986-02-24
Gabon, Doudou Mountains, ca 30 km SW of Doussala., -2.53 10.48, 600m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Microgramma mauritiana (Willd.) Tardieu
3966245J. M. Reitsma   14281985-08-27
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains, ca 35 km SW of Doussala, chantier CEB., -2.53 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4051197J. M. Reitsma   32451987-04-15
Gabon, Doudou Mountains, ca. 60 km. SSW of Doussala., -2.62 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Polyalthia sauveolens Engl. & Diels
04766895J. M. Reitsma   14341985-08-27
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains ca 35 km SW of Doussala, chantier CEB., -2.53 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Xylopia quintasii Pierre ex Engl. & Diels
4775031J. M. Reitsma   14231985-08-27
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains ca 35 km SW of Doussala, chantier CEB., -2.53 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Anonidium mannii (Oliv.) Engl. & Diels
4766753J. M. Reitsma   14251985-08-27
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains ca 35 km SW of Doussala, chantier CEB., -2.53 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Uvaria angolensis Welw. ex Oliv.
4774882J. M. Reitsma   14321985-08-27
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains ca 35 km SW of Doussala, chantier CEB., -2.53 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Xylopia quintasii Pierre ex Engl. & Diels
4775030J. M. Reitsma   14231985-08-27
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains ca 35 km SW of Doussala, chantier CEB., -2.53 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4799714J. M. Reitsma   14311985-08-27
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains ca 35 km SW of Doussala, chantier CEB., -2.53 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Dactyladenia staudtii (Engl.) Prance & F.White
04792383J. M. Reitsma   13901985-08-25
Gabon, Monts Doudou ca. 25 km. SW of Doussala; chantier CEB., -2.5 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4793455J. M. Reitsma   19371986-02-21
Gabon, in Doudou mountains, ca. 45 km SW of Doussla., -2.55 10.48

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heisteria trillesiana Pierre ex Heckel
4752634J. M. Reitsma   27771987-01-07
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains, ca. 50 km. SW of Doussala. Inventory., -2.43 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heisteria trillesiana Pierre ex Heckel
4752639J. M. Reitsma   13931985-08-25
Gabon, Monts Doudou ca. 25 km. SW of Doussala; chantier CEB., -2.5 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04799805J. M. Reitsma   13921985-08-25
Gabon, Monts Doudou ca. 25 km. SW of Doussala; chantier CEB., -2.5 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4799996J. M. Reitsma   13951985-08-25
Gabon, Monts Doudou ca. 25 km.SW of Doussala; chantier CEB., -2.5 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Toubaouate brevipaniculatum (J.Léonard) Aubrév. & Pellegr.
4800379J. M. Reitsma   27891987-01-07
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains, ca. 50km. SW of Doussala. Inventory., -2.43 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Mapania mannii C.B.Clarke
4721004J. M. Reitsma   13821985-08-24
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Entada mannii (Oliv.) Tisser.
4793423J. M. Reitsma   17001985-10-21
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04737727J. M. Reitsma   16351985-10-17
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4808948J. M. Reitsma   11271985-06-07
Gabon, Chantier CEB, Doussala. Savannah like vegetation near "case de passage"., -2.33 10.67

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4766794J. M. Reitsma   11491985-06-14
Gabon, Chantier CEB, Inventory, ca 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Meiocarpidium lepidotum (Oliv.) Engl. & Diels
4766836J. M. Reitsma   17071985-10-21
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Isolona hexaloba (Pierre) Engl. & Diels
4774860J. M. Reitsma   17031985-10-21
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Isolona hexaloba (Pierre) Engl. & Diels
4774862J. M. Reitsma   13731985-08-23
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Isolona hexaloba (Pierre) Engl. & Diels
4774864J. M. Reitsma   17031985-10-21
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Uvaria muricata Pierre ex Engl. & Diels
04774918J. M. Reitsma   14241985-08-27
Gabon, Rainforest in Doudou Mountains, c 35 km SW of Doussala, chantier CEB., -2.53 10.5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Uvariastrum pierreanum Engl. & Diels
04774940J. M. Reitsma   16401985-10-17
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Uvariastrum pierreanum Engl. & Diels
4774941J. M. Reitsma   16401985-10-17
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Uvariastrum pierreanum Engl. & Diels
4774942J. M. Reitsma   13841985-08-24
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Uvariastrum pierreanum Engl. & Diels
4774944J. M. Reitsma   11521985-06-14
Gabon, Chantier CEB, Inventory, ca 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4766790J. M. Reitsma   17231985-10-22
Gabon, Chantier CEB, ca. 45 km SW of Doussala., -2.58 10.57

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4799733J. M. Reitsma   13781985-08-23
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4799728J. M. Reitsma   13781985-08-23
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4793458J. M. Reitsma   13701985-08-23
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosema glomeratum (Guill. & Perr.) Hook.f.
4808187J. M. Reitsma   11291985-06-07
Gabon, Chantier CEB, Doussala. Savannah-like vegetation near the "case de passage"., -2.33 10.67

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4793543J. M. Reitsma   14021985-08-26
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4799085J. M. Reitsma   11571985-06-14
Gabon, Chantier CEB, Inventory, ca 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4774968J. M. Reitsma   14421985-08-28
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Greenwayodendron suaveolens (Engl. & Diels) Verdc.
4766811J. M. Reitsma   16601985-10-18
Gabon, Inventory; chantier CEB, ca. 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.58

Page 26, records 2501-2600 of 3350


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