Search Results (List)

Dataset: NMNH-Plantae
Search Criteria: Ethiopia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 48, records 4701-4800 of 5211

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - Botany

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3371676I. Friis, S. Bidgood, F. Semon, M. Jensen & M. Gashaw   78131996-10-17
Ethiopia, Gojjam Region: Ca. 25 km. east of Gubba on the road to Chagni., 11.32 35.55, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Crossandra Salisb.
US 2837061J. Ash   2906
Ethiopia, Dinchu, (or Curie) 3947:0706. Bale province. Square 84.D. At c.10 miles west of Dinchu, on Shashamane road., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca minima A. Rich.
US 1006682G. W. Schimper   1652
Ethiopia, "Africa". [protologue: "in valle fluvii Tacazzé, prope Tchélatchékanné"]

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2953229P. Jansen   15601975-06-16
Ethiopia, Harar, Between alemaya and dire dawa, 1400 - 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Solanecio nandensis (S. Moore) C. Jeffrey
US 2555119F. G. Meyer   74941961-11-22
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, West side of Acachi River, about 1-1/2 miles No. of main road, 17 km so. Addis Ababa, Shoa Province, 8.87 38.78

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2520050F. G. Meyer   79861962-01-13
Ethiopia, In field by edge of airstrip, Tippi, Illubabor Province., 7.17 35.3, 1300m

Commelina imberbis Ehrenb. ex Hassk.
R. B. Faden & A. J. Faden   2003/0382003-09-18
Ethiopia, Welega, Bedele-Nekemte road, crossing of small river between the Dadesa River and Arjo., 8.67 36.4, 1300 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Microchloa indica (L.) P. Beauv.
US 945739-. Schimper   s.n.1837-09-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinia. In montibus uchmibas [interpreted] ad rupes [interpreted] rulax [interpreted] prope Adoam.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819812A. Sandford & -. Ash   2899
Ethiopia, Shashamane, Sidamo province, Ethiopia, 1700m

US 2480494W. Burger   5501961-08-09
Ethiopia, Gojam

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2465136W. C. Burger   32091963-08-31
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Grassland north of Erer-Gota near Idorra., 9.97 41.33

US 2003092R. B. Faden & A. J. Faden   2003/322003-09-16
Ethiopia, Kefa, 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2520067F. G. Meyer   81741962-02-11
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Moist ravines, Entotto mt, road to St. Mary's church past American Embassy, Addis Ababa, Shoa Province., 9.05 38.77, 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oldenlandia monanthos (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Hiern
US 2626987W. H. Lewis   58801962-08-20
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, 3 km E of Gara Ades, 2499m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2587831F. G. Meyer   81181962-01-30
Ethiopia, Along small stream below Seventh Day Adventist Mission Station, Wollega Province., 9.18 35.83, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase
US 1612331E. Tasjean   3161934-02-00
Ethiopia, Lake Tsana., 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2465186W. C. Burger   19001962-06-10
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Gara Mullata Mtn., 9.25 41.67, 3292m

Melhania denhami W.T. Aiton
US 829336G. A. Schweinfurth & D. Riva   5411892-02-23
Ethiopia, Monte Maraïta, près Laati [sic]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sterculia africana (Lour.) Fiori
US 2480887W. C. Burger   24101963-07-00
Ethiopia, Dire Dawa, Harar Prov. Near Dire Dawa on rocky slopes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837249J. Ash   28431975-03-31
Ethiopia, Shewa, Floor of Bole Canyon, ca. 45 km N of Addis Ababa. [Shoa Province = Shewa Province.], -9.4167 38.6333, 1664 - 1664m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480653W. C. Burger   24361963-12-09
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, valley east of Gara Abdullah, 9.48 42.27, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Canarina eminii Asch. ex Schweinf.
US 2481131W. C. Burger   31401963-08-16
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, Below a limestone cliff above the Mojjo River (east branch) south of Gara Mullata., 9.17 41.77, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ficus sur Forssk.
US 2481208W. Burger   25781963-02-23
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. West of Gara Ades ridges., 9.3 41.22, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sorghum arundinaceum (Desv.) Stapf
US 2837206J. Ash   Ash 2640
Ethiopia, Koka dam lake, 0827:3906. Arussi in Shoa Province, Ethiopian Rift Valley. Square 70.C., 1445m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Phragmanthera regularis (Steud. ex Sprague) M.G. Gilbert
US 2519904F. G. Meyer   76801961-12-11
Ethiopia, Open woodland, 34 km. west of Ambo. Shoa Province., 8.97 37.87, 2490m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2858390R. E. Pichi-Sermolli   72551967-01-13
Ethiopia, Kaffa. Ghimira: Zona di Mizan Teferi. Babakà, lungo il torrente a sud della Tana Plantation., 6.9 35.45, 1250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837020-. Ash   2575
Ethiopia, C. 10 km east of Afdem 0298:4100, on Dire Dawa to Meisso road, Harar province

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf
US 925364-. Schimper   10401862-09-11
Ethiopia, Auf bourzan [interpreted] bei [interpreted] Berrechowa., 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plicosepalus acaciae (Zucc.) Wiens & Polhill
US 2837260J. Ash   Ash2515
Ethiopia, North banks of Awash river; 7 miles from turn-off from old Assab road, which is 5 miles east of Loggia, Wollo province., 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2465122W. Burger   21671962-10-06
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Growing in mud of the river. Asbullie river., 9.98 41.18, 762m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3115042J. B. Gillett   144791952-11-30
Ethiopia, S. Ethiopia., 5.63 38.23, 1920m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhus L.
US 2593942AF. A. Barkley   32Et 32501962-08-09
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Campus of University College, Addis Ababa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Loudetia arundinacea (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Steud.
US 2465194W. C. Burger   8341961-09-02
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Near top of hills adjacent to valley. "Rock valley", 40 km. ESE of Harar on road to Djigdjigga (Jijiga)., 9.18 42.38, 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Senna floribunda
US 2555150F. G. Meyer   77561961-12-20
Ethiopia, Kefa, 7 km e of jimma, 1780 - 1780m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lepidium africanum (Burm.f.) DC.
US 2837291J. Ash   Ash 3537
Ethiopia, C. 20 miles south of Gba 6700:3959. Bale province., 3900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Centaurea abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex Boiss.
US 2642220F. A. Barkley   32Et/32541962-08-09
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 25 km west of Addis Ababa, 2591m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cenchrus ramosum (Hochst.) Morrone
US 2837218J. Ash   Ash 27321974-11-02
Ethiopia, Ghibie Gorge, 0815: 3735, on Jimma road. Upper part of gorge. Shoa province., 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1063916G. W. Schimper   16561840-08-01
Ethiopia, In valle fluvii Tacaze.

USw30911F. G. Meyer   7962

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480638W. C. Burger   13311961-11-25
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Errer valley, 22km. SE of Harar on hwy. to Djigdjigga (Jijiga)., 9.23 42.25, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston
US 3371672I. Friis, S. Bidgood, F. Semon, M. Jensen & M. Gashaw   78211996-10-18
Ethiopia, Gojjam Region: Ca. 2 km. north of the bridge on the new Bure-Nekempt road, 10.3 37.03, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2775229J. Goodyear   s.n.1973-00-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
Justicia schimperiana (Hochst. ex Nees) T. Anderson
US 2520097F. G. Meyer   79991962-01-14
Ethiopia, About 7 km. N.W. of Tippi airstrip, Illubabor Province., 7.23 35.25, 1320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Panicum minutiflorum Hochst. ex A. Rich., nom. illeg. Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 1126030G. W. Schimper   7991838-00-00
Ethiopia, Near Tchela Tcharanne.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480525W. C. Burger   22901962-11-02
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, ± 30 km, North of Fich., 8.13 42.28

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837043A. Sandford & J. Ash   2902
Ethiopia, Near Dinchu, 3947:0706. Bale province. Square 84.D., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819763J. Ash   29291975-05-13
Ethiopia, Oromiya, Mount Gaysay, c. 11 miles west of Dinchu, (Curie), 3948:0706, on Shashamane road, Bale province. Square 84.D., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819787J. Ash   3293
Ethiopia, 5 miles west of Ghedo, 3727:0600, on Addis Ababa to Lemkempti road. Shoa province., 2450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Baccharoides abyssinica
W. Schimper   3891852-00-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinia, Prope Adoam.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819759-. Ash   3622
Ethiopia, Mui river, 0554:3542, near Omo National Park headquarters, c. 10 km east of airstrip. Omo basin, Square 106. B. Kaffa province, Ethiopia., 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2481204W. C. Burger   25951963-03-07
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. West facing slope above the stone bridge east of Curfacelli., 42.87 9.27, 1768m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1235625E. A. Mearns   341911-12-26
Ethiopia, Shewa, Addis Ababa

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2858389R. E. Pichi-Sermolli   72571967-01-13
Ethiopia, Ethiopia-Kaffa.Ghimira: Zona di Mizan Teferi. Babaka, lungo il torente a sud della Tana Plantation., 6.9 35.45, 1250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2426198F. G. Meyer   78601961-12-30
Ethiopia, Along a small stream in rain-forest near Siemens coffee mill, 10 km. N.W. of Sudan Interior Mission, Bonga, kaffa Province, 7.25 36.17, 1620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tectaria gemmifera (Fée) Alston
US 3547212I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   119662005-08-28
Ethiopia, Ethiopia, IL_50 km E of Metu, along road to Bedelle, 4 km E of Yaiyo, 8.3683 35.885, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 133030-. Schimper   1311840-00-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2236336W. A. Archer   93751951-01-02
Ethiopia, Along edge of path, Imperial Gardens at Abasamuele, 6 K. w. of Gondar. Begemeder Province.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schizachyrium exile (Hochst.) Pilg.
US 732880-. Schimper   10551862-00-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinia, Berrechowa., 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lepidotrichilia volkensii (Gürke) J.-F. Leroy
US 2481119W. C. Burger   20771962-08-19
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Gara Ades ± 18 km. Est of Hirna., 9.28 41.22, 2499m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lepisorus excavatus (Bory ex Willd.) Ching
US 3547338I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   120342005-09-08
Ethiopia, Ethiopia. "Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea" region and locality: KF _ Eastern edge of Belleta Forest, between Jimma and Bonga, 7.5567 36.5917, 1850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2858444R. E. Pichi-Sermolli   67491966-10-11
Ethiopia, Nord Sidamo, Ciabiccia a sud-est di Shashamanne-Zona di Wando- Foresta umida sempreverde montana nekka valle di Ano, Terrestre dove la foresta e meno densa, 1900 - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tragus racemosus (L.) All.
US 2589245H. Mooney   80521959-08-25
Ethiopia, Near Keren., 14.78 38.45, 1475m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Solanecio angulatus (Vahl) C. Jeffrey
US 2480849W. C. Burger   25211963-01-20
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, near Deder, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2598707W. C. Burger   35411964-10-04
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. College area, NE of Lake Alemaya (Haramaia). ca. 15 km. NW of Harar., 9.4 42.02, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2858399R. E. Pichi-Sermolli   72271967-01-11
Ethiopia, Ethiopia. Kaffa. Ghimira: zone di Mizan Teferi. Pendici del Monte Ainamba ad est di Babaka., 6.88 35.47, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm. f.) Bech.
US 3547307I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   119292005-08-23
Ethiopia, SU_ Tcelimo Forest., 9.0894 38.1728, 2850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A. Rich.
US 2904720W. C. Burger   34851964-05-09
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, Ethiopia. near Harar along road to Fadis just west of Cara Achim Mtn., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Digitaria velutina (Forssk.) P. Beauv.
US 2465195W. C. Burger   8241961-09-02
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Idli valley, 45 km. ESE of Harar on road to Djig-Djigga (Jijiga). Stream valley., 9.18 42.4, 1550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lannea A. Rich.
US 2480665W. C. Burger   2979
Ethiopia, Harar Prov.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2587807F. G. Meyer   79821962-01-12
Ethiopia, 7 km. N.W. of Jimma on road to Agaro, Kaffa Province., 7.7 36.78, 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2598697W. C. Burger   12501961-11-04
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. On the summit of Kondudo Mts., 2865m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2598685W. Burger   8111961-09-02
Ethiopia, Harari, Errer valley SE of Harar., 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schrebera alata (Hochst.) Welw.
US 2480696W. C. Burger   31551963-08-16
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Limestone slopes above the mojjo Gorge South of Gara Mulatta Mtn., 9.17 41.77, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837067J. Ash   2946
Ethiopia, 1 miles east of Goro 0659:4032, 55 miles east of Robie on Shashamane-Sheik Hussein road. Bale province. Square 99.B., 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2904708W. Burger   34571964-04-22
Ethiopia, Harar, Diggs farm, 5 km nw of harar, 2000 - 2000m

Clerodendrum myrcioides
USw30900F. G. Meyer   7613

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1860569A. Semple   981945-02-23

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oncocalyx glabratus (Engl.) M.G. Gilbert
US 2519793F. G. Meyer   76221961-12-07
Ethiopia, Road to Mt. Zuquala, Shoa Province., 8.62 38.88

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819803J. Ash   28671975-04-07
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Near 395 km stone to Addis Ababa, or c. 5 km west of Dinchu 0700:3948. Bale province. Square 84.D. On Shashamane road., 2900 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480749W. Berger   22411962-10-18
Ethiopia, Harar, Erer river area, 22 km SE of Harar on hwy to Djigdjiga, 1100 - 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chloris abyssinica Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 3243723G. W. Schimper   Sect. III 18001840-10-23
Ethiopia, Prope Djeladjeranne in Vallibus.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819922J. Ash   Ash3165
Ethiopia, South shore of lake Abiata 0734: 3834. 'Arussi', Shoa province, Ethiopian Rift valley., 1345m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel.
US 2519731I. Siegenthaler   s.n.1963-03-26
Ethiopia, Along moist stream banks and moist ravines, Omonadda road, turn off Jimma rd in mts. to the south, Kaffa Province., 7.67 37.2, 2460m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Moorochloa eruciformis (Sm.) Veldkamp
US 2380907R. Stewart   46
Ethiopia, Jimma A.T.S.C.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) Brummitt
US 2519986F. G. Meyer   75921961-12-04
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Half way down valley of Blue Nile River, 218 km. n. Addis Ababa, south side, Shoa Province., 10.08 38.27, 1920m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837220J. Ash   Ash 2782
Ethiopia, 8 miles south of Mega 0404:3819, on International Highway to Moyale. Sidamo province., 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthericum pterocaulon Welw. ex Baker
US 2598824W. C. Burger   37561965-05-03
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Uadendeo Plateau ± 20 km. south of Babile along the road to Fich., 9.07 42.42, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3547377I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   119992005-09-01
Ethiopia, IL - 58 km N of Tepi, along the road to Macha, 7.5767 35.4783, 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Orbivestus leopoldii (Vatke) H. Rob.
US 2837122J. Ash   2713
Ethiopia, Lake Arakit, near Dila village, on Hosanna road, Shoa province, 2850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2904741W. C. Burger   14301962-01-07
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, NW face of Gara Mulata Mtn, ca 50km due W of Harar, 9.27 41.72, 2500 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Christella chaseana (Schelpe) Holttum
US 3547358I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   120162005-09-03
Ethiopia, Ethiopia and Eritrea, KF _ 23 km S of Tepi, along the road to Mezan Tefari, S of the Bako River, 7.0533 35.44, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Clausena anisata (Willd.) Benth.
US 2519906F. G. Meyer   77281961-12-17
Ethiopia, In openwoodland behind Ras Hotel, Waliso. Shoa Province., 8.53 38.98, 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis paniciformis (A. Braun) Steud.
US 2837158J. Ash   30271975-06-21
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Southern Addis Ababa, 3848:0903. Shoa Province. Square 69.B., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 945367-. Schimper   7111839-11-06
Ethiopia, Abyssinicum. Prope Ferrokoba.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 829493G. A. Schweinfurth & D. Riva   12031892-03-21
Ethiopia, Saganeiti.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Commelina africana var. villosior (C.B. Clarke) Brenan
US 2481115W. Burger   20021962-08-02
Ethiopia, Harar, Gara mullata mountain, w of harrar, 2500 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 945321-. Schimper   642
Ethiopia, Abba Gerima, Abÿssinia., 2042m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2775223J. Goodyear   s.n.1973-11-10
Ethiopia, Melco

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480981W. C. Burger   15511962-03-11
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Errer valley south east of Harar about 15 Km. downstream.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819977J. Ash   Ash 2421
Ethiopia, 46 miles S. E. of Neghelle, 3930:0520, on road to Filtu and Dolo. Square 111C. Sidamo province, "Borana". On Filtu-Dolo road., 1450m

Page 48, records 4701-4800 of 5211


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