Search Results (List)

Dataset: NMNH-Plantae
Search Criteria: Ethiopia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 42, records 4101-4200 of 5211

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - Botany

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus proteus (Welw.) Bauters
US 2819863J. Ash   3073
Ethiopia, Wollega province, Square 56.C, frequent at edge of grasslands, and by track sides., 1220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plectranthus cylindraceus Hochst. ex Benth.
US 2480523W. C. Burger   22821962-11-02
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Uadendeo plateau, 36km. ESE of Harar on road to Djigdjigga (Jijiga) and 20km. south., 9.07 42.38, 1520m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis schimperi (A. Rich.) Benth.
US 1256663H. Harlan   3511923-11-14
Ethiopia, Modjo. Absynnia., 1768m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2426193F. G. Meyer   78411961-12-29
Ethiopia, Opposite side of Déntcha River from Sudan Interior Mission, Bonga, Kaffa Province., 7.23 36.25, 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837002J. Ash   3746
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ankobar, c. 36 km S.E. of Debre Berhan on Addis Ababa to Dessie road, Shoa Province, Square 59.B c. 3000 m, 2980 - 3250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480640W. C. Burger   12271961-11-04
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Kondudo Mtn, lower slopes (south)., 9.43 42.33, 2438 - 2743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cardamine obliqua Hochst. ex A.Rich.
US 806372-. Schimper   1541/927
Ethiopia, Abyssinia. An Büchen auf dem Berg Gunna., 3200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2236370W. A. Archer   101401951-05-07
Ethiopia, Common. Appearing after rain. Diredawa, Harage Province., 1128m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sporobolus marginatus Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2465127W. C. Burger   29011963-06-01
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. 15 Km. S.W. of Gauani. Slopes east of Awash river valley., 10.17 40.57, 620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurolobus salicifolius (Poir.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
US 2519826F. G. Meyer   78481961-12-29
Ethiopia, Edge of rain-orest, opposite side of Dentcha River from Sudan Interior Mission, Bonga, Kaffa Province, 7.23 36.25, 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leptothrium senegalense (Kunth) Clayton
US 2473001P. Ellis   199
Ethiopia, Ogaden.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilleria latifolia (Lam.) H. Walter
US 2520098F. G. Meyer   79981962-01-14
Ethiopia, On the floor of the rainforest, about 7 km. N.W. of Tippi aistrip. Illubabor Province., 7.23 35.25, 1320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Canavalia virosa (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.
US 3335105E. Westphal & J. Westphal-Stevels   8761972-10-05
Ethiopia, Departmanet Of Tropical Crops, Wageningen, Greenhouses (in short day treatment).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm. f.) Bech.
US 3547279I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   120502005-09-13
Ethiopia, BA_ 12 km S of Goba along the road to the Sanetti Plateau and Dolo Mena., 6.9417 39.9583, 3050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sauromatum venosum (Aiton) Schott
US 2540419J. Bogner   2251968-05-06
Ethiopia, Bei Debre Libanos, auf den Felsen des Grabenbruches wachsend.

US 2819931J. Ash   31311975-07-27
Ethiopia, Shewa

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819924J. Ash   3190
Ethiopia, South shore of lake Abiata, 3824:0734. "Arussi", Ethiopian Rift Valley; Shoa province. Square 83.B., 1345m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lythrum rotundifolium Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2598776W. C. Burger   2673*1963-04-06
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Road from Deder to Arawacha., 9.22 41.37

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2519774F. G. Meyer   75571961-11-29
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, In moist places along edge of small stream in deep ravine, Entotto mt, Shoa Province., 9.05 38.77, 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2519803F. G. Meyer   76541961-12-10
Ethiopia, North slopes of Uanci volcano, 25 km. so. of Ambo, Shoa Province., 8.8 37.95, 3200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis tef (Zuccagni) Trotter
US 2464762E. Taddesse   53
Ethiopia, Alemaya.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase
US 945505-. Schimper   11081863-00-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinicæ.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pappea capensis Eckl. & Zeyh.
US 2480655W. C. Burger   24481962-12-02
Ethiopia, Harar, "Rock Valley", 40 km ESE of Harar on road to DJIGDJIGGA (JIJIGA)., 9.18 42.38, 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruspolia seticalyx (C. B. Clarke) Milne-Redh.
US 2480854W. C. Burger   30961963-08-08
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, fls. red. Limestone slopes below (W of) Daletti above Cobelli river., 8.53 42.12, 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel.
US 2480911W. C. Burger   14161961-12-17
Ethiopia, Harrar Prov. ± 15 Km. SW. of Whater. along road to Gara-Mulatta (from NE)., 9.33 41.73, 2652m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1064142M. Schimper   1269*1856-00-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinie. Dschana.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Kedrostis hirtella (Naudin) Cogn.
US 2819813J. Ash   Ash 2898
Ethiopia, Swedish Point, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gomphocarpus R. Br.
US 2598604W. C. Burger   28541962-05-25
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Valley east of Gara Gora. Limestone area., 90 42.3, 1219 - 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Scleria hispidula Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2837223J. Ash   Ash 3263
Ethiopia, Near Mulu farm, Shoa province. River, thires birdge along cement factory road, 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819849J. Ash   Ash 3092
Ethiopia, Didessa 3605:0905, Wollega province, Ethiopia . Square 56.c, 1220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480692W. C. Burger   32311963-09-07
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, 20 km. downstream from the Harar-Giggiga road on the Errer river., 9.08 42.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pteridium aquilinum var. typicum R.M. Tryon
US 2858404R. E. Pichi-Sermolli   72201967-06-11
Ethiopia, Ethiopia-Kaffa, Ghimira: Zona di Mizan Teferi, Pendici del Monte Ainamba ad est di Babaká, 6.88 35.47, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1235671E. A. Mearns   801912-01-22
Ethiopia, Ankoba

Image Associated With the Occurence
Senecio ochrocarpus Oliv. & Hieron.
US 2555056F. G. Meyer   75591961-11-30
Ethiopia, Entotto mt, above Addis Ababa, road past American Embassy, Shoa Province, 9.03 38.78, 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennisetum riparium Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 1061597G. W. Schimper   841837-09-18
Ethiopia, Tigre, Adoua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3513449I. Siegenthaler   17271962-10-11
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 135 k. N. Jimma, Addis Rd., 1855m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleusine floccifolia (Forssk.) Spreng.
US 2841844J. Ash   20821973-09-14
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Shoa Prov.; Ca. 7 kms S. of Mulu Farm on cement Factory road, turning left at Chancho c. 45 kms N. of Addis Ababa on Main Gondor road. Square 58D [38.41:09.21]., 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819775J. Ash   2938
Ethiopia, Dinchu, 3948:0706. Bale province. Square 84.D., 3250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy
US 2819928-. Ash   3104
Ethiopia, Deemtu c. 10 km east of Didessa 3605:0903. Wollega province, 1220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Phlegmariurus ophioglossoides (Lam.) A. R. Field & Bostock
US 3547252I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   120792005-09-15
Ethiopia, BA_ 60 km S of Goba along the road across the Sanetti Plateau to Dolo Mena, 1 km below Rira., 6.7533 39.7167, 2750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2481070W. C. Burger   32461963-09-19
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, hillside above the Elbah river and just east of the rail road., 9.77 41.87

Image Associated With the Occurence
Platycerium angolense Welw. ex Baker
US 2858396R. E. Pichi-Sermolli   72371967-01-11
Ethiopia, Kaffa. Ghimira: Zona di Mizan Teferi. Babakà a nord-ovest di Mizan Teferi. Coltivaxzioni di caffé ella Tana Plantation, 6.9 35.45, 1250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hypodematium crenatum (Forssk.) Kuhn
US 3547201I. Friis, S. Bidgood, W. Abebe & E. Getachew   122842005-10-19
Ethiopia, Ethiopia and Eritrea, GD _ 9 km south of Adi Arkay, along the road to Gonder, 13.415 38.0283, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 732996-. Schimper   1867*1862-00-00
Ethiopia, Tigray, Abyssinien, Hamedo., 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837015J. Ash   Ash 3533
Ethiopia, C. 20 miles south of Goba, 07.00:39.59. Square 98.B. Saneti plateau. In places in open plateau foot of mount Tolu Deemtu., 3900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus dichrostachyus Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2480783W. C. Burger   9941961-09-23
Ethiopia, Harar Province. Near Stream & Stone bridge ca. 14 Km east of Curfacellion road toward Gara Mullata mtn., 1655m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480474W. C. Burger   4301961-08-04
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Steep slopes below Dangago, 15km. SE of Dire-Dawa along the road to Harar., 9.5 41.92, 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Setaria pallide-fusca (Schumach.) Stapf & C.E. Hubb.
US 1612323-. Schimper   1051
Ethiopia, Hamedo. Abyssinia., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cenchrus riparius (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Morrone
US 1125955-. Schimper   841837-09-18
Ethiopia, Iter Abyssinicum. Ad ripas rivorum prope Adoam.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 865728British Museum (herbarium)   s.n.
Ethiopia, In Salt It. Abyssinia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2627204W. H. Lewis   58771962-08-18
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Colege area, NE of Lake Akmaya (Haramaia) c. 15 km NW of Harar, Rolling hills, 9.4 42, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dregea schimperi (Decne.) Bullock
US 2519884F. G. Meyer   78021961-12-24
Ethiopia, Western edge of Badda Buna Forest, 10 km N. W. of Jimma, Kaffa Province., 7.67 36.87, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2520006F. G. Meyer   78941962-01-02
Ethiopia, Oromiya, Open slopes in savanna, Gojeb River basin, 70 km. S. W. of Jimma, Bonga road. Kaffa Province., 7.47 36.47, 1490m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psiadia incana Oliv. & Hiern
US 2598834W. C. Burger   34531964-04-04
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, Ethiopia. Limestone hills at the base of escarpment South of Dire Dawa., 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 557629-. Schimper   8721842-00-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinicum. Sine loco speciali.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Celtis africana Burm. f.
US 2555153F. G. Meyer   77471961-12-19
Ethiopia, Badda Buna forest, 10 km. N.E. of Jimma, Kaffa Province., 7.67 36.87, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819892J. Ash   Ash 2411
Ethiopia, 16 miles S.E. of Neghelle 3930:0520, Sidamo province. Square 110. D. Near road to Filtu and Dolo, passing through airfield., 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2519879F. G. Meyer   78081961-12-24
Ethiopia, At outlet to lake, 7 km. N.W. of Jimma, Kaffa Province., 7.67 36.87, 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1860571A. Semple   1001945-02-23

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 806558-. Schimper   1183
Ethiopia, Abyssinia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus retusus Nees ex Steud.
US 3648063G. W. Schimper   II 11991839-09-12
Ethiopia, "Abyssinia", in stagnis prope Gafta

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm.
US 2837172J. Ash   2829
Ethiopia, Between Jimma and Bonga; c. 70 km south of Jimma, on road to Bonga, 1676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Commelina latifolia Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2953226P. Jansen   38011975-09-28
Ethiopia, Gamo Gofa, Arba minch, 1050 - 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3019270I. Sigenthaler   1508
Ethiopia, Jimma., 1710m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Andropogon polyatherus Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 76206G. W. Schimper   290
Ethiopia, Prope Adoam Abyssinia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euclea schimperi (A. DC.) Dandy
US 2480675W. C. Burger   17501962-05-22
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Ca. 03 km. NW of Harar., 9.33 42.1, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 829512G. A. Schweinfurth (herbarium)   12491891-04-08
Ethiopia, Abyssiniæ septentrionalis. (Colonia Eritrea). Au-dessous de Gheleb., 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2953188P. Jansen   57951976-03-31
Ethiopia, Sidamo, Godjeb river, 1315 - 1315m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 945137-. Schimper   2921837-09-19
Ethiopia, Iter Abyssinicum. Adoënes. Ad ripas humidas prope Adoam.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berula thunbergii (DC.) H. Wolff
US 2598807W. C. Burger   38151965-07-25
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Idli valley, 45 km. ESE of Harar on road to Djig-Djigga (Jijiga)., 9.18 42.4, 1550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lonchocarpus laxiflorus Guill. & Perr.
US 2819941J. Ash   Ash 37431977-02-20
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Near campsite on Jemma river crossing, 0955:3855. On road to Alemketema, from Mulkaturi at c. 72 km north of Addis Ababa. Shoa Province., 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis schimperi (A. Rich.) Benth.
US 945001-. Schimper   11862-08-11
Ethiopia, Abyssinia ( [illegible text]). Adoa., 1798m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tripogon leptophyllus (A. Rich.) Cufod.
US 1612171-. Schimper   1035
Ethiopia, Abyssinica. Mettgálo., 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Campanula rigidipila Steud. & Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2480541W. C. Burger   23821962-11-24
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, Ethiopia, Gara Mulata Mts, 9.25 41.73, 3109m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1029866H. Harlan   s.n.1923-12-15
Ethiopia, Amhara, River Valley near Makfud, Abyssinia, 1554m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837054J. Ash   2987
Ethiopia, 39.5 km east of Nazareth 0835: 3930, Shoa Province.

Image Associated With the Occurence
C. Hemming   23471961-10-30
Ethiopia, Somali, Somali. Daloh Arap, Somali Republic (N. Region)., 2118m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Elaphoglossum tanganjicense Krajina ex Pic. Serm.
US 2819915J. Ash   3377
Ethiopia, Mount karakarha (Kaka), c. 10 miles S. S. E. of Mezan Tefari. Kaffa province., 2042m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arisaema enneaphyllum Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2819891J. Ash   2442
Ethiopia, 5 miles south of Bore or 48 miles north of Kebre Mangist 0553:3900, on Awasa-Neghelle road. Square 97.D. Sidamo province., 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.
US 1612195-. Schimper   987
Ethiopia, Mai Sigamo. Abÿssinia., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cymbopogon caesius (Nees ex Hook. & Arn.) Stapf
US 2239122J. B. Gillett   143721952-11-20
Ethiopia, Mega, S. Ethiopia., 4.08 38.33, 2012m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.
US 2480972W. C. Burger   22881962-11-02
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Not seen north of 5 km. north of Fich. Near Fich., 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leonotis rugosa Benth. in DC.
US 945218G. W. Schimper   3711837-12-13
Ethiopia, In montibus prope Genniam regionis Memsach.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peucedanum araliacea
US 3019260I. Siegenthaler   1601
Ethiopia, Omo Nada Rd. 18 K., 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 829552G. A. Schweinfurth (herbarium) & D. Riva   14051892-04-04
Ethiopia, Abyssiniæ septentrionalis (Colonia Eritrea). Valleé Arrôt au sud d'Aïderesó., 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyphostemma adenocaule (Steud. ex A. Rich.) Desc. ex Wild & R.B. Drumm.
US 945106Collector unknown   1651837-06-01
Ethiopia, In dumetis scandens prope Adoam.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ajuga remota Wall. ex Benth.
US 2837225J. Ash   Ash3278
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, C. 71 miles N.E. of Addis Ababa, or 2 miles west of Cassem Gorge at 3916, 0916, Shoa province, Square 59, On Dessie road., 2500 - 2850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 945004-. Schimper   8
Ethiopia, Abyssinia., 1524 - 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennisetum schimperi Steud. ex A. Rich.
US 1645223G. W. Schimper & R. Quartin-Dillon   287
Ethiopia, Tigre, Adoua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2519763F. G. Meyer   77131961-12-14
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Component of evergreen forest, Managasha National forest, 50 km. west of Addis Ababa, Shoa Province., 8.97 38.53, 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1061566-. Schimper   10871962-07-01
Ethiopia, Amba Sea. Abyssinia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3362218I. Friis, S. Bidgood, F. Semon, M. Jensen & M. Gashaw   78951996-10-23
Ethiopia, Wellega Region: 20 km. south of Asosa, 9.92 34.67, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Argyrolobium pubescens
US 2819862J. Ash   3029
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Southern Addis Ababa 3848:0903, Shoa province, Ethiopia. Square 69. B., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Borreria sphaerostigma
US 2481107W. Burger   20341962-08-15
Ethiopia, Hariai, Harar Prov, Ahmar Mtns. W of Collubi, 52 km. W of Dire-Dawa-Harar hwy, 9.42 41.62, 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Elaphoglossum lastii (Baker) C. Chr.
US 2819840J. Ash   3438
Ethiopia, Mount Karkaria, c. 10 miles S.S.E. of Mezan Tefari, Kaffa province, Ethipia, Mezan Tefari., 20422m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2587828F. G. Meyer   75311961-11-26
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Along road that runs down summit of Entotto mt. above Addis Ababa. Shoa Province., 9.03 38.78, 2900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2519972F. G. Meyer   74991961-11-22
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, On open rocky slopes above the Acachi River, about 2 km. n. of main road bridge, 17 km. so. of Addis Ababa. Shoa Province., 8.87 38.78, 2084m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2555171F. G. Meyer   80561962-01-20
Ethiopia, Bellata Forest, 41 km. S.W. of Jimma on Bongo Road, Kaffa Province., 7.53 36.53, 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1649570G. W. Schimper   Buchtien 12711853-00-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
Doellia bovei (DC.) Anderb.
US 945079-. Schimper   1111862-08-31
Ethiopia, Hamedo, Abyssinia, 1402m

Page 42, records 4101-4200 of 5211


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