Search Results (List)

Dataset: NMNH-Plantae
Search Criteria: Ethiopia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 38, records 3701-3800 of 5211

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - Botany

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837290A. Sandford   35941976-07-23
Ethiopia, Erer Gota 0931:4123, c. 68 km west of Dire Dawa, Harar Province,Square 61., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2904712W. C. Burger   34131964-01-07
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Gara Ades., 9.3 41.22, 2560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2481222W. C. Burger   32841963-10-26
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Limestone slopes west of Daletti above the Geobelli river Valley., 8.53 42.12

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel.
US 2480912W. C. Burger   14161961-12-17
Ethiopia, Harrar Prov. ±15 Km. SW. of Whater. along road to Gara-Mullata (from NE)., 9.33 41.73, 2652m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv.
US 2841837J. Ash   2103A1973-11-23
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Shoa Province: ca. 5 kms. N.E. of Tefke; on main Addis Ababa to Jimma road. Square 59B., 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480822W. C. Burger   28971963-06-01
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. mint ± 10 Km. south of Gauani on road to Osbulli+ Erer. Gauani. South east of the Awash river valley volcanic rocks., 10.17 40.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
Digitaria diagonalis var. uniglumis (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Pilg.
US 1612291-. Schimper   991
Ethiopia, Amba Harves. [interpreted] Abyssinia., 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3547300I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   119362005-08-23
Ethiopia, Tcelimo Forest, 9.065 38.1417, 2410m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1063863G. W. Schimper   16161841-09-02
Ethiopia, In arena littorali fluvii Tacaze prope Djeladjeranne.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1913036A. Semple   101945-03-09
Ethiopia, Metahara.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3019263I. Sigenthaler   1491
Ethiopia, 8 K Agaro Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pulicaria undulata (L.) C. A. Mey.
US 3563315I. Friis, S. Bidgood, W. Abebe & E. Getachew   122492005-10-13
Ethiopia, TU - 43 km S of Adwa (Adi Abun) on the new road to Abi Adi, 13.9083 38.9983, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2481202W. Burger   25361963-02-04
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Between Idli + Dacata Valleys along road from Harar to Giggiga., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium bugolense Hieron.
US 2426192F. G. Meyer   78301961-12-27
Ethiopia, About 7 km. N.E. of Jimma, Addis Ababa road, Kaffa Province., 7.67 36.87, 1740m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480652W. C. Burger   2428-B1962-12-08
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, Limestone slopes below Ejersa-Goro on the road to Combalcia [interpreted] + Harar., 9.47 42.18, 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480632W. C. Burger   13491961-11-00
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Near Amaressa, 5 Km. NW of Harar., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480745W. C. Burger   22331962-10-18
Ethiopia, Harrar Prov, Erer Valley; 22 km. SE. of Harar on hwy to Djidgiga (Jijiga)., 9.23 42.25, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Senegalia persiciflora (Pax) Kyal. & Boatwr.
US 2598667W. C. Burger   37241965-04-09
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, about 5 km south of Harar on road to Fadis, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mollugo cerviana (L.) Ser.
US 2598810W. C. Burger   35781964-10-25
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. "Rock valley", 40 km. ESE of Harar on road to Djigdjigga (Jijiga)., 9.18 42.38, 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2236334W. A. Archer   92051950-12-14
Ethiopia, Kaffa Jimma Province.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819917J. Ash   3392
Ethiopia, Mount Karkarha (Kaka), c. 10 miles S.S.E. 9of Mezan Tefari, 3525:0658, Kaffa province., 2042m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dianthus leptoloma Steud. ex A. Rich.
US 2496968-. Schimper   17611839-01-00
Ethiopia, Iter Abyssinicum. In montibus districtus Urahut.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Indigofera arrecta Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2481019W. C. Burger   20321962-08-15
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Ahmar Mtns. W of Collubi, 52km. W of Diredawa-Harar hwy., 9.42 41.62, 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 945535G. W. Schimper   11721863-00-00
Ethiopia, [Label without locality or other data; protologue: "in rivulorum rip inter fruticeta: Gaffat 8200'"]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Olinia aequipetala (Delile) Cufod.
US 2837239J. Ash   24881974-06-03
Ethiopia, Shewa, 9 mi e shashamane on goba road in montane forest, 2050 - 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 945352-. Schimper   736
Ethiopia, Abyssinia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1866963A. Semple   11944-06-00
Ethiopia, 10 miles no. of Assala.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 781410Mohr, C. T. (herbarium)   s.n.1845-08-00
Ethiopia, Ex hort. bot. Taking [interpreted]. Hochstelten. [interpreted] Abyssinia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837183J. Ash   Ash 3558
Ethiopia, Track to Gaysay mountain, c. 6 miles west of Dinchu,0706:3947. Bale province. Square 84.D., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1235637E. A. Mearns   461912-01-22
Ethiopia, Abyssinia. Ankoba.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Swertia schimperi (Hochst.) Griseb.
US 2598710W. C. Burger   23811962-11-24
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Gara Mulata Mtn., 9.25 41.73, 3109m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2953305P. Jansen   64701976-06-03
Ethiopia, Harar, Harar, along bisidimo river, 1270 - 1270m

Habenaria bracteosa Hochst. ex A.Rich.
US 2819932J. Ash   31281975-07-26
Ethiopia, Shewa

Image Associated With the Occurence
Debregeasia bicolor (Roxb.) Wedd.
US 945398-. Schimper   8621840-01-02
Ethiopia, Abyssinicum. Frutex in præruptis umbrosis montium prope Dschenausa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze
US 2598619W. C. Burger   36711962-02-12
Ethiopia, Bonga Catholic Mission, 7.25 36.23, 1750 - 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819982J. Ash   24391974-04-16
Ethiopia, Sidamo, 46 mi SE of Neghelle, on Filtu-Dolo road., 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Osteospermum vailantii (Decne.) Norl.
US 2837299J. Ash   Ash 3557
Ethiopia, Track to Gaysay mountain, c 6 miles west of Dinchu. Square 84.D, 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 806517-. Schimper   103
Ethiopia, Abyssinia. Amba Sea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tenaxia subulata (A. Rich.) N.P. Barker & H.P. Linder
US 1612007-. Schimper   298
Ethiopia, Hedina. Abyssinia., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris schimperiana (Hochst.) C. Chr.
US 2360772J. B. Gillett   149531953-01-27
Ethiopia, S.E. Ethiopa, E slopes Mt Delo, 2926m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2577794AW. Burger   25051963-01-12
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. South face of Gara Mullata Mtn, ca. 50km. due W of Harar., 9.2 41.77, 2500 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3644480J. J. Bos & P. C. M. Jansen   102001975-05-08
Ethiopia, Welega, Gimbi., 9.17 35.83, 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Panicum secernendum Hochst. ex Mez
US 1445758G. W. Schimper   III 16121841-09-01
Ethiopia, In demissus versus Fl. Tacaze prope Djeladjeranne.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1285686E. A. Mearns   931912-04-15
Ethiopia, Abyssinia, Gato River, near Gardula.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2735990J. Goodyear   s.n.1973-10-28
Ethiopia, Kafa Province, Balto.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn.
US 2480488W. C. Burger   8271961-09-02
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, Idli valley, 45 km ESE of Harar on road to Djig-Djigga (Jijiga), 9.18 42.4, 1550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 806488-. Schimper   138
Ethiopia, Abyssinien, Hamedo [interpreted].

Image Associated With the Occurence
Alsophila manniana (Hook.) R.M. Tryon
US 2555989F. G. Meyer   80611962-01-20
Ethiopia, 43 kms. S.W. of imma in Bellata rainforest, Kaffa Province, 7.53 36.53, 2010m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819942J. Ash   Ash 3709
Ethiopia, Ankobar 3944:0935. Square 59.B. Shoa province., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1092923G. W. Schimper   11181838-11-08
Ethiopia, In montibus et vallibus prope Adoam locis petrosis

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2598779W. Burger   14571962-02-14
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, Gara Mulatta Mtn (N. west slope), 2987m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480823W. C. Burger   28481963-05-25
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Valley east of Gora Gora just below limestone cliff at edge of plateau., 9 92.17

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhoicissus tridentata (L. f.) Wild & R.B. Drumm.
US 945239British Museum (herbarium)   3581837-10-28
Ethiopia, Scholoda.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sporobolus niliacus (Fig. & De Not.) P.M. Peterson
US 557573-. Schimper   1360
Ethiopia, Abyssinia. Mauniberke [interpreted].

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1612032-. Schimper   985
Ethiopia, Am Worrhey. Abyssinia., 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Antrophyopsis manniana (W. Hook.) Schuettp.
US 3547315I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   119832005-08-30
Ethiopia, 31km S of Gore, along the road to Macha, N slope of Baro River Valley., 7.8767 35.4833, 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837066J. Ash   2940
Ethiopia, Dinchu 3948:0706. Bale province. Swuare 84.D., 3250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Crinipes abyssinicus (Hochst. ex A. Braun) Hochst.
US 1064157M. Schimper   6811859-00-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinie. Aman Eski.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhamnus deflersii Schweinf. ex Fiori
US 829438G. A. Schweinfurth (herbarium) & D. Riva   10401892-03-12
Ethiopia, Abyssiniæ septentrionalis (Colonia Eritrea). Environs d'Aerour., 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Digitaria abyssinica (Hochst. ex Rich.) Stapf
US 1913032A. Semple   51945-02-21
Ethiopia, Abyssinia: Worata-Shabe.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2953250C. Seegeler   24551972-08-24
Ethiopia, Kefa, Jimma, institute of agriculture

Image Associated With the Occurence
Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC.
US 1860574A. Semple   1021945-02-20
Ethiopia, Ethiopia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cenchrus macrourus (Trin.) Morrone
US 2837265J. Ash   2680
Ethiopia, Bole Canyon. Shoa province. Square 58.D. Along path descending canyon from Mulu farm., 2012 - 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tectaria gemmifera (Fée) Alston
US 2426191F. G. Meyer   78291961-12-27
Ethiopia, Ethiopia, about 7 km. N. E. of Jimma, Addis Ababa road, Kaffa Province, 7.67 36.87, 1740m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Panicum equitans Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 3298783G. W. Schimper   16081841-08-06
Ethiopia, In paludosis planitiei montanae dictae Walcha in Provincia Sana. [In marshy plains and mountains (dictae) of Walcha in Sana Province?]

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2519853F. G. Meyer   75341961-11-27
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Wooded hillside, Entotto mt, Shoa Province., 9.05 38.77, 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1715348G. W. Schimper   1656
Ethiopia, (Samen), Jacayze Valley near Jchelatchekanne.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2520025F. G. Meyer   79021962-01-02
Ethiopia, Scattered specimens in tall grass savanna near Gojeb River bridge, Bonga road, Kaffa Province., 7.42 36.43, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2520017F. G. Meyer   79531962-01-10
Ethiopia, 40 km. so. along Omonadda road after turnoff Jimma road at Little Ghibbie River, 7.52 37.38, 2460m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Vachellia bussei (Harms ex Sjöstedt) Kyal. & Boatwr.
US 2598637W. C. Burger   22451963-10-18
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, Ethiopia. Errer valley, south east of Harar and south of the highway to Giggiga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oldenlandia monanthos (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Hiern
US 2627026W. H. Lewis   58991962-08-26
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, Collubi, 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 806523-. Schimper   733/523
Ethiopia, Abyssinia. Aba Tensesa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echium longiflorum Dum. Cours.
US 2837117J. Ash   2798
Ethiopia, 36 miles south-east of Yavello, 0450:3806. Sidamo province, Ethiopia. On Nairobi road., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sacciolepis myosuroides (W.T. Aiton) Chase ex E.G. Camus
US 945686-. Schimper   14781863-00-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinicæ.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Christella gueinziana (Mett.) Holttum
US 3547330I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   120402005-09-08
Ethiopia, Ethiopia and Eritrea,KF _ Central part of Belleta Forest, between Jimma and Bonga, 8.545 36.5833, 2150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 978944W. Schimper   20191852-00-00
Ethiopia, Abyssinia. In arenosis ad fl. Tacazze prope Dscheladscheranne.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
US 2480729W. Burger   31931963-08-25
Ethiopia, Harar, 9.27 40.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2555046F. G. Meyer   75851961-12-03
Ethiopia, On an open, north-facing, steep slope, 28 km. west of Fiché, Salale subprovince, Shoa Province., 9.73 38.53, 3050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaecrista nigricans (Vahl) Greene
US 945480G. W. Schimper   10241839-04-04
Ethiopia, In valle aguar, provincia modat. [in aguar valley, modat province; country questionable.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Helinus scandens (Eckl. & Zeyh.) A. Rich.
US 806434-. Schimper   31/892?
Ethiopia, Abyssinia. Schollada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480962W. Burger   26161963-03-14
Ethiopia, Harar, Below bedenno, e of ramis river, 1525 - 1525m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2837004J. Ash   37101976-10-10
Ethiopia, Shewa, Ankobar. [Shoa Province = Shewa Province.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 945551A. Hendyn   1191
Ethiopia, Abyssinia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2819904J. Ash   33261975-11-27
Ethiopia, Harar, 44 km n of meilo station or 162 km n of dire dawa on addis ababa to jibouti railway on road to aisha, 450 - 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oxalis radicosa A. Rich.
US 806482-. Schimper   827
Ethiopia, Abyssinia, Addi Duhoa [interpreted].

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3547365I. Friis, G. S. McKee, A. Hailu & B. Yitbarek   120102005-09-03
Ethiopia, Ethiopia, IL - 9 km S of Tepi, along the road to Mezan Tefari, 7.13 35.4267, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2598778W. C. Burger   12401961-11-04
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Kondudo mtn, lower slopes (south), 2438 - 2743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sporobolus helvolus (Trin.) T. Durand & Schinz
US 2473174P. Ellis   2051953-11-23
Ethiopia, The Ogaden., 762m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bidens prestinaria (Sch. Bip.) Cufod.
US 2598724W. C. Burger   31601963-08-17
Ethiopia, Harar prov, South face of Gara Mullata Mtn, ca. 50 km. due W of Harar, 9.2 41.77, 2500 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman
US 2480894W. Burger   24431962-12-09

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2307065H. Mooney   82731959-11-29
Ethiopia, Garibaldi Pass. Shoa., 8.83 39.75, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polygala abyssinica W.T. Aiton ex Fresen.
US 2837280J. Ash   Ash2686
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Bole Canyon 0925:3838. c. 45 km north of Addis Ababa. Shoa province. Square 58.D., 2012 - 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2481079W. C. Burger   33261963-11-09
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. Road (=trail) to Farso., 8.63 42.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
Conyza modatensis Sch. Bip. in Sweinfurth
US 945477G. W. Schimper   10181839-04-11
Ethiopia, Prope Adeganna in Provincia Modat ad rivos. [Near Adeganna in Modat Province near streams?].

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amauropelta oppositiformis (C. Chr.) Holttum
US 2858425R. E. Pichi-Sermolli   70871966-12-29
Ethiopia, Kaffa. Limmu, Monti Botor. A 2 km. dal villaggio di Becció Abis presso la pista per Dambela, 8.38 37.3, 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1235701E. A. Mearns   1071912-05-30
Ethiopia, Abyssinia. Badessa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lannea schimperi (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Engl.
US 2480904W. Burger   25961963-03-07
Ethiopia, Harar Prov, east of Curfacelli., 9.27 41.87, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Haplocarpha rueppellii (Sch. Bip.) Lewin
US 2837292J. Ash   35611976-06-23
Ethiopia, Prov. Bale; 23 miles south of Goba; Square 98B, near new road to Maslo, at foot of Mount Tolu Deemtu, 3975m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2736008J. Goodyear   s.n.1973-11-10
Ethiopia, Kafa Province, Melko.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2480789W. C. Burger   10801961-10-11
Ethiopia, Harar Prov. College area, NE of Lake Alemaya (Haramala). ca. 15 km. NW of Harar., 9.4 42.02, 2000m

Page 38, records 3701-3800 of 5211


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