Search Results (List)

Dataset: NCU-Vascular Plants
Search Criteria: Democratic Republic of the Congo; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 232

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00146854de Witte, Gaston-Francois   5.6091949-02-22
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Katanga, Haut-Lomami, FLORA CONGOLANA. KANONGA... Lubanga. Foret katangaise, -8.717856 26.720182, 700m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00202203Louis, Jean   II.II31938-09-03
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Orientale, Tshopo, FLORA CONGO BELGICAE. YANGAMBI, Ile BOOKE WA MBOLE, 0.767475 24.441404, 470m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00202217Troupin, Georges   12641952-06-19
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Orientale, Haut-Uele, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Orientale LOC.: piste centrale vers km 132, Ndelele; Parc nat. de la Garamba, 4.126025 29.46698

NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00111243Robyns, W.   25291926-06-22
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sud-Kivu, FLORA CONGO BELGICAE. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT. Kabare et Uvira LOC.: Vallee de la Ruzizi, entre Luvimgi et Uvira ALT.: +/- 850 m, -3.328859 29.1663, 850m

NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00121844Troupin, Georges   89281958-12-10
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nord-Kivu, Rutshuru, POUR LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE EN AFRIQUE CENTRALE PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Rutshuru LOC.: Parc National Albert, environ Mabenga, colline. --

NCU:Vascular Plants
Desplatsia dewevrei (De Wild. & Th. Lur.) Burret
NCU00058960Bamps, P.   6741959-08-18
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Orientale, Flora Congolana Prov. Orientale Territ. Isangi Loc: Yangambi

NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00072269Detilleux, E.   7051957-03-25
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Katanga, Haut-Katanga, PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: [illegible] LOC.: Kafubu, -11.75 27.566667

NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00072270Detilleux, E.   7751957-04-08
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Katanga, Haut-Katanga, PROV: Katanga TERR.: [illegible] LOC.: route de Kipushi, -11.7625 27.25

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345561de Witte, Gaston-Francois   34071948-02-18
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Mitwaba LOC.: Kaziba (rive gauche riviere Mweleshi afll. gauch riviee Senze). Parc National Upemba., -7.15 27.016667, 1350m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345563Fredericq, H.   80191952-09-10
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: pres de Kalasabango, 1300m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345574Troupin, Georges   2.6501956-09-25
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Ruanda TERRIT.: SHANGUGU LOC.: route ASTIRDA - BUKAVU, vers km 81 marais KASALE, -2.5 28.866667, 2180m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345573Gutzwiller, R.   36041958-04-04
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Masisi LOC.: Buse, Bukombo, -1.333333 28.766667, 1300m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345571Louis, Jean   62031937-09-29
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Isangi LOC.: Yangambi reserve flore Isalone, 470m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345581Devred, R.   17571955-03-31
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Leopoldville TERRIT.: Swa Tende LOC.: Swa Yemfu K., -7.153269 17.115258

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345579Charlier, M.   811954-02-15
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lomani, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kasai TERRIT.: Kanda-Kanda LOC.: District: Kabinda

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345577Robyns, W.   21391926-04-26
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haut-Katanga, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Baudouinville LOC.: Route Pweto a baudouinville, -8.46667 28.9, 1250m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345594Christiaensen   1061953-09-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kabare LOC.: Lwiro, -2.24 28.797222, 1700m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345593Gilon   370
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Lubarika LOC.: env. de Luberizi, -2.9903 29.0943

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345590Leonard, A.   14241958-10-31
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kabare LOC.: Mulungu, -5.158333 18.946111, 1750m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345591Leonard, A.   32831959-03-04
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kalehe LOC.: Mont Nyamunone, 2000m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345592de Witte, Gaston-Francois   35671948-03-26
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Katanga, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Mitwaba LOC.: Buye Bala affluent du Muye. Park National Upemba, -9.016667 26.583333, 1750m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCu00345601Troupin, Georges   2.5811956-09-15
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA COGOLANA. PROV.: KIVU TERRIT.: KABARE LOC.: route KABARE - WALUNGU enbranchement MULUME, 2340m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345615Demaret, F.   49081953-05-07
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: Kalonge Salala s/affl. Butahu. Parc National Albert, 2060m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345616Fredericq, H.   79741952-08-28
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: pres de la riviere Katouleke pres de Kalonge. Parc National Albert, 2150m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345617Leonard, A.   22871959-01-02
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kabare LOC.: Route Mulungu-Kahuzi, 2200m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345618Leonard, A.   13831958-10-25
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. TERRIT.: Masisi LOC.: Bukombo, 1350m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345651Fredericq, H.   80881952-09-15
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: Parc National Albert STATIO.: al'Est de Kalasabango (Kalasabango est a 1200 m), 2450m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345650Demaret, F.   50231953-05-11
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: Kalonge, vallee de la Nyamwamba. Parc National Albert., 2010m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345649Louis, Jean   84281937-11-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Rutshuru LOC.: Rutshuru, -1.184167 29.448889, 1300m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345661de Witte, Gaston-Francois   102741954-06-02
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA ZAIRE. LOC.: May.ya.Moto pres Musora. Parc national Albert., 1040m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345668Louis, Jean   61531937-09-24
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Oriantale TERRIT.: Isangi LOC.: Yangambi, a 4 km N du fleuve, 470m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345669Louis, Jean   122911938-11-01
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Oriantale TERRIT.: Isangi LOC.: Yambuya, dans le poste, 470m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345670Louis, Jean   122161938-10-31
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Oriantale TERRIT.: Isangi LOC.: Entre Ngazi et l'Aruwimi, vallee, 470m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345671Christiaensen, R.   20251957-02-09
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kalehe LOC.: vers km 110 route Kavumu - Walikale Irangi, reserve I.R.S.A.C., 900m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345672Leonard, A.   6891958-05-10
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA LOC.: Yangambi, 900m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345673Louis, Jean   114871938-09-30
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Isangi LOC.: Yangambi, plateau d l'Isalowe, 470m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345674Louis, Jean   30331936-12-29
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Isangi LOC.: Yangambi a 8km au Nord du fleuve, 470m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345680de Witte, Gaston-Francois   26281947-00-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Mitwaba LOC.: Parc National Upemba

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345681de Witte, Gaston-Francois   96321953-09-28
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: Adabeni piste vers la Lure. Parc National Albert., 660m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345684Christiaensen, A.   11041955-09-22
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA ZAIRE. LOC.: Plaine du lac Albert foret de Kawa. Prov.: Orientale. Terr.: Bunia

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium elliottii C. H. Wright
NCU00345688Lebrun, J.   74771937-08-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Goma LOC.: Versant S. du Mikeno Pac [sic; Parc] national Albert, 2500m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345690De Saeger, H.   13491951-08-28
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Dungu LOC.: Parc National de la Garamba

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345691Lebrun, J.   7841930-07-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Equateur TERRIT.: Mbandaka LOC.: Ikengo s/congo (Equateur)

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345692Vanderijst, H.   374621932-07-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kinshasa TERRIT.: Madimba LOC.: Kisantu

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345693Wagemans   4141954-00-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Leopoldville TERRIT.: Lukula LOC.: Luki INEAC

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345694Dubois, J.   2941958-04-18
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Leopoldville TERRIT.: Thysville LOC.: Foret de Tadi dia Nkosi

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345702van Meel   18861947-10-01
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA LOC.: Mulange (Nord Albertville)

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345703de Witte, Gaston-Francois   1921931-03-23
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Lubudi LOC.: Kando

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345704van Meel   18861947-10-01
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. LOC.: Mulange (Nord Albertville)

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345708Germain, R.   13351942-01-19
Democratic Republic of the Congo, P.N.A. [Parc National Albert?] , volcan Niamlagyra, -1.408 29.2

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345719Lebrun, J.   84261937-11-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Rutshuru LOC.: Rutshuru, 1300m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345718Louis, Jean   87731938-03-06
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA LOC.: Yangambi, reserve flore Isalowe

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345717Louis, Jean   110331938-08-27
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. LOC.: Yangambi, Ile Lotumba

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345714Leonard, A.   11351958-08-26
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Isangi LOC.: Yangambi

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345713Wagemans, J.   15951957-08-02
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Leopoldville TERRIT.: Lukula LOC.: Luki INEAC a l'Est du village Kumbuya

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345711Fredericq, H.   82291952-10-09
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: riviere Wandondu (affluent Butahu) le long de la piste Kalonge - Mutwanga P.N.A. [Parc National Albert?], 1840m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345710Leonard, A.   51431959-07-28
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kalehe LOC.: Nyiwarongo, 2100m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345709Germain, R.   34541945-01-25
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Rutshuru LOC.: Rumangabe

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345747Demaret, F.   59201953-00-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: Parc National Albert

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCu00345750Louis, Jean   14161936-03-05
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Isangi LOC.: Yangambi, plateau de la Lusambila, 470m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345751Christiaensen, A. R.   171953-08-25
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kabare LOC.: Tshibati (rive droite), 1900m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345753Gutzwiller, R.   8951957-05-17
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Masisi LOC.: Mahanga, 1720m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345754Christiaensen, A. R.   2261953-11-20
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kabare LOC.: abords marais Lushala, 1700m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00345756de Witte, Gaston-Francois   117981955-01-11
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA LOC.: Parc National Albert, Bukokoma pres Mutwange, 1300m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00348160Leonard, A.   23111959-01-03
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA TERRIT.: Kabare LOC.: ROute Mulungu-Kahusi, 2240m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00348161Leonard, A.   22831958-01-02
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kabare LOC.: route Mulungu-Kahuzi, 2200m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00348421Lebrun, Jean   70841937-08-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA Parc Nationale Albert PROV.: Kivu LOC.: Entre Kibumba et la Nyamuragira, 1800 - 2000m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00348426Bamps, P.   111957-10-02
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Djugu LOC.: Mont Adjo versant Est., 2400m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00348430de Witte, Gaston-Francois   115851955-01-31
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. Parc National Albert, Mt. Rurindzangwe Virung (N.O. Salinyo), 2250m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium theciferum (Kunth) Mett.
NCU00348432de Witte, Gaston-Francois   35261948-03-16
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: MItwaba LOC.: Riviere Lufira (affluent rive droit Lifira) Parc National Upemba, 1800m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium theciferum (Kunth) Mett.
NCU00348433Demaret, F.   5176C1953-05-15
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: entre Kalonge et Mahungu Parc National Albert, 2200m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00348440Leonard, A.   15701958-11-06
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Walikale LOC.: Kembe, 1000m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn
NCU00348597Christiaensen   2511953-12-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. Prov.: Kuvu TERRIT.K Kabare LOC.: riv. Risibiro, 2000m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371881Leonard, A.   30771959-02-17
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Masisi LOC.: Kikoma, 1700m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371882Demaret, F.   52511953-05-18
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGALANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: Bubalwakitaka affluent droit de al Butahu. Parc National Albert, 1940m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371883Louis, Jean   55071937-08-29
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Lubero LOC.: entere Luofu et Lubero, 2100m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371884Schmitz, A.   72051961-05-09
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Elisabethville LOC.: 15 km SE de'E'ville [Elisabethville]

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371885Louis, Jean   110901938-08-30
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Basoko LOC.: Entre Barumbu et Elisabetha

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371886Fredericq, H.   82701952-10-13
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. Prov.: Kuvu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: Parc National Albert enfirons de Kiandolili, 1800m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea aethiopica (Welw. ex Hook.) Domin
NCU00371892Christiaensen, R.   I.8951956-02-15
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Kalehe LOC.: Reserve IRSAC a Irangi Fulonko, km 110 route Kavumu - Walikale

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371901de Witte, Gaston-Francois   26381947-05-28
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Mitwaba LOC.: Gorges de al Pelenge Parc National Upemba, 1150m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371902Overlaat   7861933-09-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Kapanga LOC.: Kapanga

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00371903Quarre, P.   28311931-11-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Kaniana LOC.: Pastorale de Lualu

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371938Compere, P.   11181960-01-06
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Leopoldville TERRIT.: Thysville LOC.: M'Vuazi

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371937Liben, L.   18481956-11-08
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kasai TERRIT.: Dibaya LOC.: Badibanga

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00371936Christiaensen, A.   I.I391955-09-28
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Mahagi LOC.: Mokambo, 1100m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Davallia denticulata (Burm.) Mett.; Kuhn
NCU00371934Louis, Jean   99151938-06-22
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. LOC.: Yangambi, plateau de la Luweo [?], 470m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00372471De Saeger, H.   11551951-05-10
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Orientale TERRIT.: Dungu LOC.: Parc National de la Garamba

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Hypolepis tenuifolia (G. Forst.) Bernh.
NCU00363996Germain, R.   64381950-03-07
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA ZAIRE LOC.: Plaine de la Ruzizi; Bugarama

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Microlepia speluncae (L.) T. Moore
NCU00364002Quarre, P.   29581932-03-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Katanga TERRIT.: Kamina LOC.: La Lovoi

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00365067Van Meel   16801947-04-16
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. LOC.: Fizi

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00365068Germain, R.   88021956-04-12
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. LOC.: Yangambi

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00365069De Saeger, H.   6411950-06-02
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. LOC.: Nalugrambala

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00365070Schmitz, A.   1751947-03-03
Democratic Republic of the Congo, station de Keyberg, 8 km S.O. d'Elisabethville

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pteridium aquilinum subsp. centrale-africanum Hier.
NCU00365072Vanderyst, Hyacinthe Julien Robert   331271934-08-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kiduma - Kisantu, -4.568056 15.098611

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00365075Gupffert, Autin   851957-08-04
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Pangi LOC.: Ynbuli - Kabiata, pres de Kalima

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Drynaria laurentii (Christ) Hieron.
NCU00365403Compere, P.   15841960-02-17
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kinshasa TERRIT.: Madimba LOC.: Kinkosi

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Drynaria laurentii (Christ) Hieron.
NCU00365404Gupffert, Autin   1421957-02-24
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA PROV.: Kivu THERRIT.: Pangi LOC.: Kalima (B.4)

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00365406de Witte, Gaston-Francois   89781953-05-12
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: Le long de la piste Kalonge - Mahungu. Parc national Albert., 2180m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
NCU00365407Demaret, F.   5176 E1953-05-15
Democratic Republic of the Congo, FLORA CONGOLANA. PROV.: Kivu TERRIT.: Beni LOC.: entre Kalonge et Mahungu, 2200m

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