Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Cameroon; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 53, records 5201-5300 of 18872

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
Sorindeia juglandifolia (A. Rich.) Planch. ex Oliv.
160733Duncan W. Thomas   45281985-03-21
Cameroon, Southwest, Takamanda Forest Reserve, Near Matene., 6.2333333 9.3166667, 170m

MO:Seed Plants
Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk.
160993Duncan W. Thomas   31191984-02-15
Cameroon, Southwest, Grassland and woodland around the crater of Manengouba., 5.03333 9.83333, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
160501Duncan W. Thomas   61451986-06-24
Cameroon, Littoral, Lake Tissongo., 3.5833333 9.9, 10 - 30m

MO:Seed Plants
160638Duncan W. Thomas   30681984-02-06
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary forest around Nyasoso, at the base of Mount Koupe., 4.83333 9.68333, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
163973Alwyn H. Gentry   623881988-05-02
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area, between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W of Manyemen. TRANSECT 1, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
163786Alwyn H. Gentry   529331985-11-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Mt. Cameroun, south slope. W of Victoria. Transect 7., 4.08333 9, 200 - 250m

MO:Seed Plants
164005Alwyn H. Gentry   624651988-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W of Manyemen. TRANSECT 4, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
164013Alwyn H. Gentry   624681988-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W of Manyemen. TRANSECT 4, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
Salacia erecta (G. Don) Walp.
163492M. Etuge   1681986-06-24
Cameroon, Southwest, Montane forest in the Bakossi Mountains around Ehumseh, Nteho1 and Mejelet villages, west of Bangem., 5.08333 9.7, 1400 - 8000m

MO:Seed Plants
164199P. Mambo   401986-05-24
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary forest near Mbu village, 10 km. west of Wone, which is on the Kumba - Mamfe road., 5.05 9.3, 400m

MO:Seed Plants
164262Stephen D. Manning   12861987-01-10
Cameroon, Southwest, Cameroun Mountain, along path between upper Farm and Hut 1, approximately 2 km W. of Buea., 4.2 9.21666, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
164211Stephen D. Manning   17811987-04-21
Cameroon, Southwest, Along path near huts outside and W of crater of Lake Barumbi Mbo est 2 km SSW of village of Barumbi. Approx 7 km NW of Kumba, 4.65 9.38333, 400m

MO:Seed Plants
164217Stephen D. Manning   17821987-04-21
Cameroon, Southwest, Along path near huts outside and W of crater of Lake Barumbi Mbo est 2 km SSW of village of Barumbi. Approx 7 km NW of Kumba, 4.65 9.38333, 400m

MO:Seed Plants
164282Stephen D. Manning   17391987-04-10
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park, W and N of first temporary camp along East-West path from Mana River foot bridge to the North-South path leading to "Camp 2" and along the North-South path to "Camp 2"., 5.03333 8.81666, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Salacighia letestuana (Pellegr.) Blakelock
164223Stephen D. Manning   20711987-06-17
Cameroon, Central, In gallery forest along the River Nyong's N side, just W of the road from Minka to the River Nyong, approximately 4 km S of Minka, approximately 10 km E of Makak., 3.51666 11.11666, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
164205P. Mambo   881986-07-28
Cameroon, Southwest, Three-corners Foe, fallow farmland and secondary forest., 4.55 9.06666, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Celastraceae R. Br.
162382David J. Harris   26611991-01-13
Cameroon, Southwest, 35 km west of Nguti, WCI research study area, Korup National Park., 5.26666 9.13333, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
164786Willem Meijer   153721981-03-29
Cameroon, Rocher der Loup (35 km S Kribi): Domaine nigéro-camerouno-gabonais. Forêt littorale.

MO:Seed Plants
163553J.M. Fay   82921988-03-04
Cameroon, On the Sangha River across from Ndakan gorilla study area. In seasonally flooded forest with Guibourtia demeusei, Berlinia sp, Bombax sp. Prec: 1400 mm, 2.33333 16.13333, 385m

MO:Seed Plants
160587Duncan W. Thomas   20961983-05-12
Cameroon, South, Map # NA 32 XXIV Yaounde. Mature forest on Kala Mt, ca. 20 km W of Yaounde on the Douala Road., 3.85 11.35, 800m

MO:Seed Plants
Sorindeia africana (Engl.) Van der Veken
159362Duncan W. Thomas   47911985-04-23
Cameroon, Cultivated area, N side of Kumba-Mbonge road near Mabonji., 4.58333 9.18333, 60m

MO:Seed Plants
Trichoscypha patens (Oliv.) Engl.
160540Duncan W. Thomas   48081985-05-05
Cameroon, Forest on north side of Meme River, just below Bai (Ekumbako) waterfall., 4.48333 9.15, 15m

MO:Seed Plants
160550Duncan W. Thomas   48311985-10-27
Cameroon, Southwest, Ndian Division. 1 km north of MASORE on EKONDOTITI - MUNDEMBA road, 0-2 km east of road. Mature forest on sandy clay, with Cynometra hankei, Coula edulis, Erythro- phleum ivorense., 4.66666 8.98333, 20m

MO:Seed Plants
Lannea welwitschii (Hiern) Engl.
160564Duncan W. Thomas   80761988-05-30
Cameroon, Southwest, Collections made along the footpath from Esukutang to Ekogate. Starting 5 km west of Esukutang., 5.41666 9.06666, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
Antrocaryon micraster A. Chev. & Guillaumin
160664Duncan W. Thomas   77021988-04-08
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park. Forest along the Bake River near Baro village., 5.26666 9.2, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Pseudospondias microcarpa (A. Rich.) Engl.
160518Stephen D. Manning   11551986-12-13
Cameroon, Southwest, Approximately 6 km W. of Forestry Department Rest House, Ejagham Forest Reserve, SW of Eyumojock., 5.75 8.95, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
160648J. Nemba   811986-03-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Mature forest on the steep slopes of the crater, Barombi Mbo. Kumba., 4.65 9.4, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
160673J. Nemba   2011986-09-12
Cameroon, Southwest, Mile 15. Mamfe road. Secondry growing forest, between Kumba and Baduma., 4.75 9.48333, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
160538Stephen D. Manning   7811986-11-09
Cameroon, Southwest, Along the S shore of Lake Barombi Mbo and along path South from lake. Approximately 5 km NW of Kumba., 4.63333 9.4, 350 - 500m

MO:Seed Plants
Pseudospondias microcarpa (A. Rich.) Engl.
160623Duncan W. Thomas   30571984-02-06
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary forest around Nyasoso, at the base of Mount Koupe., 4.83333 9.68333, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
160819Duncan W. Thomas   31931984-02-28
Cameroon, Southwest, In the Korup National Park., 5.05 8.8, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
160779Duncan W. Thomas   22441983-07-06
Cameroon, Southwest, Map # NB 32 IV Buea-Douala. South Korup Reserve - lowland rain forest, secondary forest, rocky river banks of Mana River, & oil palms., 4.9166667 8.8333333, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
160642J. Nemba   71986-04-21
Cameroon, Southwest, Mature and secondary forest , Bolo forest, near Konye, 5 km west of Kumba -Mamfe road, 4.91666 9.6, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
159242Stephen D. Manning   13251987-01-14
Cameroon, South, Est. 5 km SSE of Bipindi., 3.06666 10.41666, 120m

MO:Seed Plants
158921Alwyn H. Gentry   526681985-11-11
Cameroon, Southwest, 4 km N of River Ilor bridge on Kondotiti-Mundemba road, then 2 km W. (ca. 10 km SE of Kourup N.P.). Transect 1., 5.25 9.1166667, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Alchornea laxiflora (Benth.) Pax & K. Hoffm.
157427J. Nemba   7091988-01-30
Cameroon, Southwest, Mbu Bakundu Mamfe Road. Secondary growing forest., 5.03333 9.31666, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
Excoecaria guineensis (Benth.) Müll. Arg.
157483J. Nemba   7961988-02-18
Cameroon, Littoral, 5 km south of Dibombari, near Bonambwasse Village. Secondary forest and overgrown Elaeis plantations., 4.15 9.66666, 0 - 20m

MO:Seed Plants
157344J. Nemba   8541988-02-26
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary forest and scrub around Baro Village., 5.28333 9.2, 240m

MO:Seed Plants
157648J. Nemba   9051988-02-26
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary forest and scrub around Baro Village., 5.28333 9.2, 240m

MO:Seed Plants
Maprounea membranacea Pax & K. Hoffm.
157476J. Nemba   7941988-02-18
Cameroon, Littoral, 5 km south of Dibombari, near Bonambwasse Village. Secondary forest and overgrown Elaeis plantations., 4.15 9.66666, 0 - 20m

MO:Seed Plants
Erythrococca membranacea (Müll. Arg.) Prain
157567J. Nemba   8191988-02-18
Cameroon, Littoral, 5 km south of Dibombari, near Bonambwasse Village. Secondary forest and overgrown Elaeis plantations., 4.15 9.66666, 0 - 20m

MO:Seed Plants
Salacia cerasifera var. wendjiensis (R. Wilczek) N. Hallé
163341J. Nemba   2761986-10-23
Cameroon, Southwest, Small Ekombe secondary forest. Mbonge road., 4.6 9.36666, 160m

MO:Seed Plants
Reissantia indica var. loeseneriana (Hutch. & M.B. Moss) N. Hallé
162514J. Nemba   5281987-06-15
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary growth and old growth forest along Kumba-Mamfe road at mile 14 Lkiliwindi., 4.73333 9.48333, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Salacia debilis (G. Don) Walp.
163278J. Nemba   5981987-07-23
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary growing forest, mile 16 Kumba Mamfe road., 4.75 9.48333, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Salacia regeliana J. Braun & K. Schum.
163286J. Nemba   6011987-07-23
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary growing forest, mile 16 Kumba Mamfe road., 4.75 9.48333, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Loeseneriella apiculata (Welw. ex Oliv.) N. Hallé ex R. Wilczek
163333J. Nemba   5911987-07-17
Cameroon, Southwest, Weme Village, Kumba Mamfe road., 5.0666667 9.4, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
163424Charles Doumenge   3221987-02-28
Cameroon, Southwest, Riverbank forest along Lobe River near Ekondo Titi., 4.6 9

MO:Seed Plants
Salacia nitida (Benth.) N.E. Br.
163736Alwyn H. Gentry   528801985-11-15
Cameroon, Southwest, Mt. Cameroun, south slope, Coastal highway, W of Victoria. Transect 3., 4.08333 9, 200 - 250m

MO:Seed Plants
163997Alwyn H. Gentry   624601988-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area, between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W of Manyemen. TRANSECT 3, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
164036Alwyn H. Gentry   625571988-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W. of Manyemen., 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
164343Alwyn H. Gentry   625751988-05-08
Cameroon, East, Ndakan, Sango River. Seasonally inundated Guibourtia forest. TRANSECT 2, 2.36666 16.15, 390m

MO:Seed Plants
164349Alwyn H. Gentry   625861988-05-08
Cameroon, East, Ndakan, Sango River. Seasonally inundated Guibourtia forest. TRANSECT 2, 2.36666 16.15, 390m

MO:Seed Plants
Celastraceae R. Br.
162745Stephen D. Manning   21971987-07-16
Cameroon, Northwest, Along the foot path between Menda Nkwe and Awing, Bafut Ngemba N. A. Forest Reserve approximately SE of Bamenda., 5.88333 10.2, 2000 - 2050m

MO:Seed Plants
164071Alwyn H. Gentry   626231988-05-08
Cameroon, East, Ndakan, Sango River. Seasonally inundated Guibourtia forest. TRANSECT 6, 2.36666 16.15, 390m

MO:Seed Plants
164020Alwyn H. Gentry   625391988-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W. of Manyemen. TRANSECT 7, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
164987Duncan W. Thomas   21051983-05-15
Cameroon, South, Eloumden Mountain, secondary forest. Map # NA 32 XXIV Yaounde., 3.83333 11.45, 800m

MO:Seed Plants
Salacia mayumbensis Exell & Mendonça
165004Duncan W. Thomas   21131983-05-20
Cameroon, South, Map # NA 32 XXIV Yaounde. Mature forest on Kala Mountain, 20 km W of Yaounde on the Douala Rd., 3.85 11.35, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
Loeseneriella rowlandii (Loes.) N. Hallé
165019Duncan W. Thomas   21241983-05-20
Cameroon, South, Map # NA 32 XXIV Yaounde. Mature forest on Kala Mountain, 20 km W of Yaounde on the Douala Rd., 3.85 11.35, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
163413Duncan W. Thomas   42941985-01-19
Cameroon, Korup National Park. Forest along bank of the Ndian River, by PAMOL, field 69., 5.01666 8.83333, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
163307Duncan W. Thomas   69561987-05-04
Cameroon, Southwest, Valley of Mbilishe River, above Mbilishe village, forest on steep rocky mountainside., 6.21666 9.46666, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
Campylostemon Welw. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
164996Duncan W. Thomas   71821987-07-17
Cameroon, East, Degraded forest along road-side between Libongo and Bela. 3-8 km from Libongo., 2.65 16.05, 400m

MO:Seed Plants
Salacighia Loes.
165012Duncan W. Thomas   67331987-02-20
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park Transect "P"., 5.03333 8.8, 60m

MO:Seed Plants
163369Duncan W. Thomas   60751986-04-00
Cameroon, Northwest, Burned grassland and galleries west of Nkambe on the ring-road., 6.61666 10.5, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
162276Duncan W. Thomas   31111984-02-15
Cameroon, Southwest, Grassland and woodland around the crater of Manengouba., 5.03333 9.83333, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus buchananii (Loes.) R. Wilczek
162270Duncan W. Thomas   71431987-03-00
Cameroon, Northwest, Forest on Mount Oku., 2400m

MO:Seed Plants
Celastraceae R. Br.
162264Duncan W. Thomas   71411987-03-00
Cameroon, Northwest, Forest on Mount Oku., 2400m

MO:Seed Plants
164971Duncan W. Thomas   48561985-10-27
Cameroon, Southwest, Ndian Division. 1 km north of MASORE on EKONDOTITI - MUNDEMBA road, 0-2 km east of road. Mature forest on sandy clay, with Cynometra hankei, Coula edulis, Erythro- phleum ivorense., 4.66666 8.98333, 20m

MO:Seed Plants
163243Duncan W. Thomas   54841986-02-01
Cameroon, Southwest, Forest on the west side of Mount Kupe., 4.8 9.7, 900 - 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
163283Duncan W. Thomas   69371987-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Denis's bush camp high forest with Protomegabaria., 6.2 9.4, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
163642David J. Harris   10511988-09-03
Cameroon, East, West bank of Sangha River South for 1 km. Riparian forest with Trichilia retusa, Irvingia smithii and Uapaca heudelotii. Precp. 1400 m., 2.3 16.16666, 350m

MO:Seed Plants
164707David J. Harris   29821991-07-26
Cameroon, Southwest, WCI research camp study area, Korup National Park., 5.26666 9.13333, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
163613David J. Harris   15151988-11-01
Cameroon, East, West bank of Sangha River. Riparian forest with Uapaca heudelotii and Irvingia smithii. Precp. 1400 m., 2.35 16.15, 350m

MO:Seed Plants
Celastraceae R. Br.
162388David J. Harris   28121991-03-19
Cameroon, Southwest, 15 km radius of Nguti., 5.33333 9.66666

MO:Seed Plants
Celastraceae R. Br.
161990David J. Harris   8101988-05-29
Cameroon, East, West bank of Sangha River. Riparian forest with Uapaca heudelotii and Trichilia retusa. Precp. 1400 m., 2.35 16.15, 350m

MO:Seed Plants
164680David J. Harris   26861991-01-16
Cameroon, Southwest, 35 km west of Nguti, WCI research study area, Korup National Park., 5.26666 9.13333, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
164243Stephen D. Manning   3311986-09-22
Cameroon, Central, Forest W. of Etoug Ebe Yaounde (and disturbed farmland.) South of Akondoi., 3.81666 11.46666, 750m

MO:Seed Plants
164249Stephen D. Manning   3321986-09-22
Cameroon, Central, Forest W. of Etoug Ebe Yaounde (and disturbed farmland.) South of Akondoi., 3.81666 11.46666, 750m

MO:Seed Plants
163581David J. Harris   5521988-04-30
Cameroon, East, West bank of Sangha river from opposite Ndakan. Riparian forest with Uapaca spp, Irvingia smithii and Trichilia retusa. Precp. 1400 mm., 2.3 16.16666, 350m

MO:Seed Plants
Salacia volubilis Loes. & H.J.P. Winkl.
163515M. Etuge   4441986-12-27
Cameroon, Southwest, From the prison yard Buea following the small path going up Cameroon Mountain and ending at the first hut., 4.15 9.21666, 1100m

MO:Seed Plants
163122Duncan W. Thomas   72071987-07-21
Cameroon, East, Forest along the west bank of the Sangha River, opposite Mike Fay's camp at Ndakan. Floodplain forest with Guibourtia demeusei and drier, low-lying forest with scattered tall trees and numerous gaps. Herb larger dominated by Marantac., 2.36666 16.13333, 350m

MO:Seed Plants
163267Duncan W. Thomas   73591987-04-30
Cameroon, Southwest, Takamanda Forest Reserve, hillside on rocky soil, with abundant Clusiaceae, Calpocalyx, Lophira., 6.21666 9.43333, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
Salacia dimidia N. Hallé
163275Duncan W. Thomas   73601987-04-30
Cameroon, Southwest, Takamanda Forest Reserve, hillside on rocky soil, with abundant Clusiaceae, Calpocalyx, Lophira., 6.21666 9.43333, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
163323Duncan W. Thomas   55801986-02-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Along transect P, southern end of Korup National Park., 5.1833333 8.85, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
164028Alwyn H. Gentry   625561988-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W. of Manyemen. TRANSECT 8, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
Trichoscypha Hook. f.
159563Charles Doumenge   5911987-05-22
Cameroon, Southwest, Forested slope in the Bakossi Mountains 1-8 km NNE of Menyum Village., 5.0166667 9.6333333, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
160630Duncan W. Thomas   44401985-03-06
Cameroon, Forest and meadows on the gently sloping side of Mount Cameroun above small Koto village., 4.3 9.1, 550 - 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
160644Duncan W. Thomas   44541985-03-06
Cameroon, Forest and meadows on the gently sloping side of Mount Cameroun above small Koto village., 4.3 9.1, 550 - 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
157588J. Nemba   8991988-02-26
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary forest and scrub around Baro Village., 5.28333 9.2, 240m

MO:Seed Plants
158522Duncan W. Thomas   47351985-04-12
Cameroon, Mature rain forest in the Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field and 2.5 km on transect "P"., 5.01666 8.83333, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
157318Charles Doumenge   3731987-03-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park, S end, transect R and S mature lowland rain forest on sandy soil., 5.1 8.85, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Drypetes staudtii (Pax) Hutch.
157261J. Nemba   8381988-02-24
Cameroon, Southwest, Scrub and secondary forest, around Kumba Town., 4.6 9.45, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
158500Duncan W. Thomas   47101985-04-12
Cameroon, Mature rain forest in the Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field and 2.5 km on transect "P"., 5.01666 8.83333, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L. Webster
157709J. Nemba   8321988-02-24
Cameroon, Southwest, Scrub and secondary forest, around Kumba Town., 4.6 9.45, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
158486Duncan W. Thomas   51581985-11-25
Cameroon, Southwest, Meme Division. Forest near Konye in the valley of the Mungo river, 40 km north of Kumba., 4.93333 9.35, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
Drypetes preussii (Pax) Hutch.
157525J. Nemba   6511987-10-08
Cameroon, Southwest, Mile 12 Kumba Mamfe Road. Secondary growth and forest., 4.75 9.48333, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
Lannea A. Rich.
158506Duncan W. Thomas   47161985-04-12
Cameroon, Mature rain forest in the Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field and 2.5 km on transect "P"., 5.01666 8.83333, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
163318J. Nemba   4141986-11-28
Cameroon, Southwest, Mundemba-Matamani road., 4.88333 8.93333, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
163348J. Nemba   211986-04-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Forest near Mekom Bakossi, 8 km east of Kumba - Mamfe road, near Konye., 5.08333 9.66666, 350m

MO:Seed Plants
Hippocratea pallens Planch. ex Oliv.
163315Duncan W. Thomas   23491983-07-22
Cameroon, Southwest, Banks of Ndian R, between Bulu (head of tide) & Last Banana, edge of Rio del Rey mangrove swamp; 20 km stretch sampled by boat. Map #NB 32 IV Buea-Douala.

MO:Seed Plants
164953Duncan W. Thomas   23571983-07-22
Cameroon, Southwest, Banks of Ndian R, between Bulu (head of tide) & Last Banana, edge of Rio del Rey mangrove swamp; 20 km stretch sampled by boat. Map #NB 32 IV Buea-Douala.

Page 53, records 5201-5300 of 18872


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