Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Cameroon; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 45, records 4401-4500 of 18872

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
Berlinia Sol. ex Hook. f.
107042Alwyn H. Gentry   625671988-05-08
Cameroon, East, Ndakan, Sango River. Seasonally inundated Guibourtia forest. TRANSECT 1, 2.36666 16.15, 390m

MO:Seed Plants
Millettia Wight & Arn.
107478Alwyn H. Gentry   626091988-05-08
Cameroon, East, Ndakan, Sango River. Seasonally inundated Guibourtia forest. TRANSECT 4, 2.36666 16.15, 390m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111720Alwyn H. Gentry   623931988-05-02
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area, between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W of Manyemen. TRANSECT 1, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111723Stephen D. Manning   15451987-03-10
Cameroon, East, Approximately 7 km E of Belabo., 4.9 13.33333, 640m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111731Stephen D. Manning   11321986-12-11
Cameroon, Southwest, Along path around approximately the Northeastern half of Ejagham Lake. Approximately 3 km S of Eyumojock, Ejagham Forest Reserve., 5.75 9, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Biophytum zenkeri Guillaumin
113895Stephen D. Manning   8961986-11-21
Cameroon, Southwest, Pamol plantation NW of Mundemba, Ndian Div., 5 8.83333, 30m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111725Stephen D. Manning   17161987-04-08
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park, just W of first temporary camp along East-West path from Mana River foot bridge to "Camp 1"., 5.01666 8.85, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Hugonia platysepala Welw. ex Oliv.
114421Stephen D. Manning   21031987-06-19
Cameroon, Central, Along the footpath from Njantibda, Canton Longe, to the River Nyong's S shore, approximately 3 km S of the river, approximately 8 km SE of Makak., 3.5 11.1, 630m

MO:Seed Plants
Hugonia platysepala Welw. ex Oliv.
114413Stephen D. Manning   15771987-03-14
Cameroon, East, Approximately 1 km N of Bazama, approximately 20 km E of Bertoua., 4.51666 13.93333, 640m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111677Stephen D. Manning   18851987-05-30
Cameroon, Central, SW of Yaoundé approximately 12 km on the new Yaoundé- Douala road. Approximately 2 km W. of the gendarme post., 3.8 11.43333, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111673J. Nemba   1951986-08-25
Cameroon, Southwest, Baduma Secondry Forest. Mamfe road., 4.83333 9.45, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
111662J. Nemba   2341986-09-19
Cameroon, Southwest, Baduma, Mamfe road. Secondary forest., 4.83333 9.45, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
Biophytum zenkeri Guillaumin
113878Duncan W. Thomas   95671992-11-25
Cameroon, Southwest, Near Kribi; rocky banks of the Lobé river with Uapaca heudelotii., 2.36666 10.13333, 80m

MO:Seed Plants
Biophytum zenkeri Guillaumin
113281Duncan W. Thomas   21641983-06-08
Cameroon, Southwest, Map # NB 32 IV Buea-Douala. Rocky river bank, seasonally inundated by flood water; bank of Mana (Ndian) River., 4.91666 8.83333, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel
113271Duncan W. Thomas   53841986-01-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountains, west of Bangem., 5.0833333 9.7, 800 - 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel
113301Duncan W. Thomas   70121987-05-21
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary forest and cocoa farm between Nyandong and Messaka villages., 4.81666 9.6, 350m

MO:Seed Plants
111650Duncan W. Thomas   77221988-03-24
Cameroon, Southwest, Forest around Masaka-Batanga., 5.1 9.16666, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111693Stephen D. Manning   21201987-06-29
Cameroon, Central, On Mt. Eloumden approximately 10 km SW of Yaoundé., 3.81666 11.45, 700 - 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111694Stephen D. Manning   21211987-06-29
Cameroon, Central, On Mt. Eloumden approximately 10 km SW of Yaoundé., 3.81666 11.45, 700 - 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111636M. Etuge   2511986-09-12
Cameroon, Southwest, Konye Mamfe road and towards on your right to Bakolle Bakossi areas. Kumba., 4.9666667 9.5, 220m

MO:Seed Plants
Millettia Wight & Arn.
109573Alwyn H. Gentry   527591985-11-12
Cameroon, Southwest, Trail to Kourup National Park, 2 km W of Kondotiti- Mundemba Road, 4 km N of bridge over Ilor River. Transect 7., 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Oxalis L.
113591M. Etuge   3181986-10-06
Cameroon, Southwest, Path N.W. Elumseh-Mejelet Bakossi, Bangem., 5.06666 9.73333, 1750m

MO:Seed Plants
Oxalis L.
113583M. Etuge   2771986-09-12
Cameroon, Southwest, Konye Mamfe road and towards on your right to Bakolle Bakossi areas. Kumba., 4.9666667 9.5, 220m

MO:Seed Plants
112363Stephen D. Manning   21761987-07-16
Cameroon, Northwest, Along the foot path between Menda Nkwe and Awing, Bafut Ngemba N. A. Forest Reserve approximately SE of Bamenda., 5.91666 10.2, 1900 - 1950m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111740Stephen D. Manning   10941986-12-06
Cameroon, Southwest, Along road from main Kumba-Muyuka road past Kindonge Camp, Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve. Approximately 17 km S and 13 km W of Kumba by road., 4.58333 9.4, 160m

MO:Seed Plants
Ochthocosmus Benth.
114419Alwyn H. Gentry   625971988-05-08
Cameroon, East, Ndakan, Sango River. Seasonally inundated Guibourtia forest. TRANSECT 3, 2.36666 16.15, 390m

MO:Seed Plants
113575M. Etuge   4781987-01-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary forest near roadside on road between Ekombe and Bekondo, 5 kms north of Ekombe., 4.65 9.33333, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Panda oleosa Pierre
111685J.M. Fay   81971988-01-21
Cameroon, Across the Sangha River from Ndakan gorilla study area. Primary lowland forest with Ceiba pentandra, Entandrophragma cylindricum, Megaphry- nium sulcatum., 2.35 16.13333, 390m

MO:Seed Plants
Panda oleosa Pierre
111736Alwyn H. Gentry   624241988-05-02
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area, between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W of Manyemen. TRANSECT 2, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
114404Alwyn H. Gentry   625321988-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W. of Manyemen. TRANSECT 7, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
113242Duncan W. Thomas   34841984-05-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Farm bush around Kumba; isolated trees and recent secondary; growth on old fields., 4.6 9.43333, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111722Duncan W. Thomas   71911987-07-17
Cameroon, East, Degraded forest along road-side between Libongo and Bela. 3-8 km from Libongo., 2.65 16.05, 400m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111628Duncan W. Thomas   63041986-04-00
Cameroon, Central, Banks of the Nyong river, 2 km downstream of Akonolinga, Tom Smith's Seedcracker research site., 3.75 12.25, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111697Duncan W. Thomas   75891988-04-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park. Old growth lowland rain forest between Ikenge and Esukutang, about 6 kms west of Ikenge., 5.28333 9.08333, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
113222Duncan W. Thomas   75871988-04-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park. Old growth lowland rain forest between Ikenge and Esukutang, about 6 kms west of Ikenge., 5.28333 9.08333, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Panda oleosa Pierre
111713Duncan W. Thomas   48301985-10-27
Cameroon, Southwest, Ndian Division. 1 km north of MASORE on EKONDOTITI - MUNDEMBA road, 0-2 km east of road. Mature forest on sandy clay, with Cynometra hankei, Coula edulis, Erythro- phleum ivorense., 4.66666 8.98333, 20m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111700Duncan W. Thomas   27011983-12-10
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park; mature rain forest., 5.01666 8.85, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
Geranium simense Hochst. ex A. Rich.
112312Duncan W. Thomas   46581985-04-07
Cameroon, Northern slope of Cameroun Mountain near the new radio station. Annually burned tussock-grassland, lava flows with low shrubs and patches of dying woodland with dense shrubby undergrowth., 4.26666 9.23333, 2500m

MO:Seed Plants
113291Duncan W. Thomas   40421984-10-13
Cameroon, Kumba area, secondary scrub, road verge., 4.6 9.43333, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111680J. Nemba   5111987-01-00
Cameroon, Southwest, Kumba., 4.6166667 9.4333333, 170m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111733Stephen D. Manning   10911986-12-06
Cameroon, Southwest, Along timber road approximately 1 km W. of the main Kumbe-Muyuka Road. Approximately 28 km S. of Kumba., 4.46666 9.45, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111679Duncan W. Thomas   56261986-02-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Along transect P, southern end of Korup National Park., 5.1833333 8.85, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111702Alwyn H. Gentry   526851985-11-11
Cameroon, Southwest, Kondotiti-Mundemba Road, 4 km Nof River Ilor bridge, 2 km W, 10 km SE of Kourup N.P. Transect 3., 5.25 9.1166667, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
111659Stephen D. Manning   14181987-01-17
Cameroon, South, Approximately 1 km N of Kwambo and 5 km W. of Bipindi., 3.08333 10.36666, 120m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111718Stephen D. Manning   10751986-12-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Along path between Barumbi Village and huts approximately 1 km W of Lake Barumbi Mbo, NW of Kumba., 4.65 9.38333, 360m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111637M. Etuge   2111986-08-20
Cameroon, Southwest, Forest around Kupe Mountain, Tombel, Etam reserve forest., 4.6 9.68333, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111711Alwyn H. Gentry   527241985-11-12
Cameroon, Southwest, Trail to Kourup National Park. 2 km W of Kondotiti- Mundemba Road, 4 km N of bridge over Ilor River. Transect 4., 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111651Stephen D. Manning   20361987-06-10
Cameroon, Central, Along and near the road from Libamba College to the River Nyong, approximately 7 km ESE of Makak., 3.53333 11.1, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
111671Duncan W. Thomas   42231984-06-20
Cameroon, Forest relicts in cultivated aeas, Mundemba town., 5.96666 8.91666, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111739Stephen D. Manning   11501986-12-13
Cameroon, Southwest, Approximately 6 km W. of Forestry Department Rest House, Ejagham Forest Reserve, SW of Eyumojock., 5.75 8.95, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111717Duncan W. Thomas   22571983-07-06
Cameroon, Southwest, Map # NB 32 IV Buea-Douala. South Korup Reserve - lowland rain forest, secondary forest, rocky river banks of Mana River, & oil palms., 4.9166667 8.8333333, 50m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111738Duncan W. Thomas   25901983-11-30
Cameroon, Southwest, Map #NB 32 IV Buea-Douala. Mature forest south of Unilor Plantation, Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve., 4.53333 9.45, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Clausena anisata f. (Willd.) Hook. f. ex Benth.
117567Stephen D. Manning   12811987-01-07
Cameroon, Southwest, Up the Cameroun Mountain just NW of Mapanja., 4.08333 9.16666, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
116889J. Nemba   7301988-02-07
Cameroon, Southwest, Mundemba Fabe Road, Ndian Division., 5.0333333 8.95, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Citropsis Swingle
116316Duncan W. Thomas   95651992-11-25
Cameroon, Southwest, Near Kribi; rocky banks of the Lobé river with Uapaca heudelotii., 2.36666 10.13333, 80m

MO:Seed Plants
Clausena anisata f. (Willd.) Hook. f. ex Benth.
116282Duncan W. Thomas   46061985-04-08
Cameroon, Forest on edge of the Bambuko forest reserve, W of the old radio station, along footpath. Forest with sparse canopy, 15-20 m and dense undergrowth. Common trees: Schefflera mannii, Rapania neuophylla, Clausena anisata, Allophylus bullatus, Agauria salicifolia., 4.28333 9.2, 2400m

MO:Seed Plants
114562J. Nemba   5881987-07-17
Cameroon, Southwest, Weme Village, Kumba Mamfe road., 5.0666667 9.4, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
Citropsis articulata (Willd. ex Spreng.) Swingle & M. Kellerm.
117568M. Etuge   2911986-09-12
Cameroon, Southwest, Konye Mamfe road and towards on your right to Bakolle Bakossi areas. Kumba., 4.9666667 9.5, 220m

MO:Seed Plants
Fagara L.
117584M. Etuge   2581986-09-12
Cameroon, Southwest, Konye Mamfe road and towards on your right to Bakolle Bakossi areas. Kumba., 4.9666667 9.5, 220m

MO:Seed Plants
114310Alwyn H. Gentry   527901985-11-13
Cameroon, Southwest, Trail to Kourup National Park, 2 km W of Kondotiti- Mundemba Road, 4 km N of bridge over Ilor River. Transect 10., 100m

MO:Seed Plants
114315Alwyn H. Gentry   528611985-11-15
Cameroon, Southwest, Mt. Cameroun, south slope. Coastal highway, W of Victoria. Transect 2., 4.08333 9, 200 - 250m

MO:Seed Plants
Fagara L.
116205Duncan W. Thomas   71581987-07-04
Cameroon, Southwest, Secondary forest at Bolo-Meboka, Kumba-Mamfe road., 4.86666 9.46666, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
116328Duncan W. Thomas   79551988-05-25
Cameroon, Southwest, Steep hillside south of Esukutang village., 5.3833333 9, 300 - 500m

MO:Seed Plants
Geranium simense Hochst. ex A. Rich.
112304Duncan W. Thomas   31421984-02-15
Cameroon, Southwest, Grassland and woodland around the crater of Manengouba., 5.03333 9.83333, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
Fagara L.
116262David J. Harris   8781988-08-02
Cameroon, East, West bank of the SANGHA river opposite NDAKAN gorilla study area. Riparian forest with Uapaca heudelotii, Trichilia retusa and Irivingia smithii. Precp. 1400 m., 2.35 16.15, 350m

MO:Seed Plants
Hugonia platysepala Welw. ex Oliv.
114542M. Etuge   5181987-06-09
Cameroon, Southwest, Path from Ndibise to Mejelet, west of Bangem Bakossi., 5.06666 9.7, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111653J. Nemba   3721986-11-24
Cameroon, Southwest, Nndian-Dibonda- Ekumbako road. Secondary forest., 4.91666 8.86666, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111625Alwyn H. Gentry   626291988-05-08
Cameroon, East, Ndakan, Sango River. Seasonally inundated Guibourtia forest. TRANSECT 7, 2.36666 16.15, 390m

MO:Seed Plants
Citropsis tanakae Swingle & M. Kellerm.
116132Stephen D. Manning   13411987-01-14
Cameroon, South, Est. 5 km SSE of Bipindi., 3.06666 10.41666, 120m

MO:Seed Plants
Citropsis tanakae Swingle & M. Kellerm.
116139Stephen D. Manning   13461987-01-14
Cameroon, South, Est. 5 km SSE of Bipindi., 3.06666 10.41666, 120m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111635Stephen D. Manning   15981987-03-20
Cameroon, East, Approximately 10 km NE of Welele, between Molundu and Yokadouma., 2.7 15.4, 480m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111642Stephen D. Manning   16051987-03-20
Cameroon, East, Approximately 10 km NE of Welele, between Molundu and Yokadouma., 2.7 15.4, 480m

MO:Seed Plants
Hugonia platysepala Welw. ex Oliv.
114448Willem Meijer   15112C1981-03-16
Cameroon, A Yokadouma: Route de Yokadouma à Batouri vers km 120.

MO:Seed Plants
Quassia africana (Baill.) Baill.
118981Stephen D. Manning   13711987-01-16
Cameroon, South, Approximately 3 km. WNW of Bipindi., 3.08333 10.38333, 120m

MO:Seed Plants
119251Duncan W. Thomas   53011986-01-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountains, west of Bangem., 5.0833333 9.7, 800 - 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
119288Duncan W. Thomas   53381986-01-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountains, west of Bangem., 5.0833333 9.7, 800 - 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
120058M. Etuge   5061987-03-04
Cameroon, Southwest, Ikilliwindi. mile 14, north of Kumba on Mamfe road. Secondary forest near road., 4.75 9.48333, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111699Duncan W. Thomas   50031985-11-28
Cameroon, Southwest, Meme Division. Forest near Pete, Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve., 4.53333 9.4, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
114335Duncan W. Thomas   81571988-06-29
Cameroon, Southwest, Species-rich secondary forest around Banyu, 15 kms west of Manyemen., 5.16666 9.25, 400m

MO:Seed Plants
Panda oleosa Pierre
111658Duncan W. Thomas   81851988-06-29
Cameroon, Southwest, Species-rich secondary forest around Banyu, 15 kms west of Manyemen., 5.16666 9.25, 400m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis Hook. f.
111675Charles Doumenge   3821987-03-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park, S end, transect R and S mature lowland rain forest on sandy soil., 5.1 8.85, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Microdesmis puberula f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
111688Duncan W. Thomas   51791985-11-25
Cameroon, Southwest, Meme Division. Forest near Konye in the valley of the Mungo river, 40 km north of Kumba., 4.93333 9.35, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
119397David J. Harris   25681990-10-12
Cameroon, East, West side of Sangha River.

MO:Seed Plants
Irvingia Hook. f.
119233Willem Meijer   153661981-03-29
Cameroon, Rocher der Loup (35 km S Kribi): Domaine nigéro-camerouno-gabonais. Forêt littorale.

MO:Seed Plants
Irvingia grandifolia (Engl.) Engl.
119434Duncan W. Thomas   23451983-07-22
Cameroon, Southwest, Banks of Ndian R, between Bulu (head of tide) & Last Banana, edge of Rio del Rey mangrove swamp; 20 km stretch sampled by boat. Map #NB 32 IV Buea-Douala.

MO:Seed Plants
Irvingia grandifolia (Engl.) Engl.
120044J.M. Fay   81871988-01-10
Cameroon, Between the Sangha River and the South branch of the Likoi creek. Semi- deciduous hillslope forest with Entan- drophragma sp, Ceiba pentarcha, Haumannia. Prec: 1400 mm, 2.33333 16.13333, 380m

MO:Seed Plants
Hannoa klaineana Pierre ex Engl.
119441Duncan W. Thomas   69851987-05-18
Cameroon, Southwest, Degraded forest at Barombi Kang, Kumba., 4.6 9.45, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
114466Willem Meijer   151121981-03-16
Cameroon, A Yokadouma: Route de Yokadouma à Batouri vers km 120.

MO:Seed Plants
113262Duncan W. Thomas   21281983-05-25
Cameroon, Southwest, Map # NB 32 IV Buea-Douala. Agricultural land and secondary forest at Barombi Camp, 5 km S of Kumba on Douala Road., 4.58333 9.45, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
113529Charles Doumenge   3541987-03-16
Cameroon, Southwest, Korup National Park, S end, transect R and S mature lowland rain forest on sandy soil., 5.1 8.85, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Clausena anisata f. (Willd.) Hook. f. ex Benth.
117559Stephen D. Manning   21851987-07-16
Cameroon, Northwest, Along the foot path between Menda Nkwe and Awing, Bafut Ngemba N. A. Forest Reserve approximately SE of Bamenda., 5.88333 10.2, 2000 - 2050m

MO:Seed Plants
Klainedoxa gabonensis Pierre ex Engl.
119064Alwyn H. Gentry   527821985-11-13
Cameroon, Southwest, Trail to Kourup National Park, 2 km W of Kondotiti- Mundemba Road, 4 km N of bridge over Ilor River. Transect 9., 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Klainedoxa trillesii Pierre ex Tiegh.
119402Alwyn H. Gentry   625131988-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W of Manyemen. TRANSECT 6, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
Irvingia grandifolia (Engl.) Engl.
119418Alwyn H. Gentry   625401988-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Banyong, Batanga area between Awong and Banyu, ca 15 km W. of Manyemen. TRANSECT 7, 5 9.16666, 420m

MO:Seed Plants
Irvingia grandifolia (Engl.) Engl.
118993Duncan W. Thomas   82791988-07-10
Cameroon, Southwest, Forest at Banyu., 5.16666 9.23333, 400m

MO:Seed Plants
Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex O'Rorke) Baill.
119419Duncan W. Thomas   82781988-07-10
Cameroon, Southwest, Forest at Banyu., 5.16666 9.23333, 400m

MO:Seed Plants
Clausena anisata f. (Willd.) Hook. f. ex Benth.
116191Duncan W. Thomas   71421987-03-00
Cameroon, Northwest, Forest on Mount Oku., 2400m

MO:Seed Plants
Klainedoxa gabonensis Pierre ex Engl.
119228Duncan W. Thomas   80271988-05-30
Cameroon, Southwest, Collections made along the footpath from Esukutang to Ekogate. Starting 5 km west of Esukutang., 5.41666 9.06666, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
Fagara L.
116297Duncan W. Thomas   69411987-05-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Denis's bush camp high forest with Protomegabaria., 6.2 9.4, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
116256Duncan W. Thomas   82121988-04-20
Cameroon, Southwest, Roadside scrub, near Kurume., 4.86666 9.46666, 240m

Page 45, records 4401-4500 of 18872


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