Search Results (List)

Dataset: F-In process
Search Criteria: Botswana; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 281

Field Museum of Natural History - Specimens being processed

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0573786FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-00
Botswana, Kabulabula, Chove River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0573881FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-06-02
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0577099FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-15
Botswana, South East, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0577891FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-13
Botswana, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Bidens schimperi Sch. Bip. ex Walp.
V0573750FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-05
Botswana, Mabele a Pudi, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0574034FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-05
Botswana, Mabele a Pudi Hills

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0574088FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-10
Botswana, South East, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Distephanus divaricatus (Steetz) H. Rob. & B. Kahn
V0574791FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-10
Botswana, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0577664FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-17
Botswana, Between Totem and Maun

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Vernonia poskeana Vatke & Hildebr.
V0577766FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-08
Botswana, Kaotwe Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Hirpicium bechuanense (S.Moore) Roessler
V0597831FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-06
Botswana, South East, Metsimaklaba near Gaborone

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Hirpicium bechuanense (S.Moore) Roessler
V0597832FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-12
Botswana, South East, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597834FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-13
Botswana, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0594374FM. Whiting   17043-162
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597743FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-00
Botswana, Kabulabula, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597746FM. Whiting   4253-352
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597747FM. Whiting   4480-352
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Piliostigma thonningii (Schum.) Milne-Redh.
V0597758FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-00
Botswana, Kasane, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0593816FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-28
Botswana, Kasane, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0594720FG. Van Son   s.n.
Botswana, Near Gaborone

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Senna tora (L.) Roxb.
V0594738FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-00
Botswana, Kabulabula, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597285FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-06-14
Botswana, 77 miles NE of Maun

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597286FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-18
Botswana, Kasane, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597337FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-20
Botswana, Damara Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597338FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-11
Botswana, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia mellifera (Vahl) Bosc
V0597369FM. Whiting   4740-151
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597641FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-06
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597642FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-01
Botswana, Between Gomodimo and Kuke

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Albizia anthelmintica (A.Rich.) Brongn.
V0597663FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-00
Botswana, Kabulabula, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Albizia harveyi E.Fourn.
V0597693FG. Van Son   s.n.
Botswana, Shorobe

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Albizia harveyi E.Fourn.
V0597694FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-06-17
Botswana, Isotsorogo Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0597714FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-00
Botswana, Kabulabula, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis pilosa (L.) P.Beauv.
V0574384FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0574390FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Aristida barbicollis Trin. & Rupr.
V0574382FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-20
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Stipagrostis ciliata (Desf.) De Winter
V0574389FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Aristida congesta subsp. barbicollis (Trin. & Rupr.) De Winter
V0574395FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Aristida congesta Roem. & Schult.
V0574401FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0588220FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0589494FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-15
Botswana, Nkate

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0574386FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0574392FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-15
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0586837FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-10
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Geigeria Griess.
V0587737FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-20
Botswana, Kauke

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0587743FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-15
Botswana, Near Molepolole

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Geigeria Griess.
V0587744FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-00
Botswana, Kabulabula, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0589169FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-06-15
Botswana, 77 miles NE of Maun

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pentzia Thunb.
V0576613FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-25
Botswana, Kuke Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Anisopappus Hook. & Arn.
V0578837FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-06-12
Botswana, 25 miles NE of Maun

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Epaltes alata (Sond.) Steetz
V0587339FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-10
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0587357FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-24
Botswana, Kuke Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0587358FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-08
Botswana, Kaotwe Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0587359FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-10
Botswana, Kaotwe Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0587360FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-24
Botswana, Kuke Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0581071FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0587086FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-00
Botswana, Kaotwe Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0587092FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-20
Botswana, Kuke Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Stipagrostis uniplumis (Licht.) De Winter
V0587117FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Brachiaria nigropedata (Munro ex Ficalho & Hiern) Stapf
V0587685FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-15
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Brachiaria regularis (Nees) Stapf
V0587715FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-05
Botswana, Mabele a Pudi, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0587801FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0588907FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0588915FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-13
Botswana, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0588925FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-13
Botswana, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0588927FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0576600FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-11
Botswana, Mothlatlogo, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Mikania angustifolia (O. Hoffm.) R. E. Fr.
V0580459FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-00
Botswana, Kabulabula, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0580481FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-06
Botswana, Metsimaklaba near Gaborone

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0578809FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Western Kalahari, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0578919FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-06-12
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka
V0580562FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-10
Botswana, Kaotwe Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka
V0580575FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-15
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka
V0580576FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-11
Botswana, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pogonarthria squarrosa (Licht.) Pilg.
V0587027FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-15
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cotula nigellifolia (DC.) K. Bremer & Humphries
V0589382FJ. L. Sidey   30171956-10-00
Botswana, Baines Drift

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0576039FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-20
Botswana, Damara Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0594822FM. Whiting   4821-7621967-00-00
Botswana, Dobe area

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0593951FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-07-00
Botswana, Kabulabula, Chobe River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis trichophora Coss. & Durieu
V0581671FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis viscosa (Retz.) Trin.
V0581701FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0575235FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-08
Botswana, NE side of Kopjes

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0575259FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis japonica (Thunb.) Trin.
V0575276FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-05
Botswana, Mabele a Pudi

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0575294FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon cenchroides (Licht.) C.E.Hubb.
V0578884FG. R. Florence   1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0578888FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-05
Botswana, Mabele a Pudi, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0578889FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-08
Botswana, Kaotwe Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0578895FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-30
Botswana, Kanke

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0578896FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-20
Botswana, Damara Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0581411FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-08-15
Botswana, Nata River, Makarikari basin

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0581464FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-20
Botswana, Kanke

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0581480FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-15
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0581487FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-11
Botswana, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diplachne fusca (L.) P.Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult.
V0587944FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-05
Botswana, Mabele a Pudi, Lake Ngami

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0587950FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-08-00
Botswana, Makarikari Pan

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0580844FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-05-07
Botswana, Near Sunnyside

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Schmidtia pappophoroides Steud. ex J.A.Schmidt
V0580850FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0580891FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-04-08
Botswana, Kaotwe

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0580897FG. Van Son   s.n.1930-03-15
Botswana, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0580909FG. R. Florence   s.n.1979-01-00
Botswana, Hukuntsi, Tshane Pan area, -24 21.766667, 1100m

Page 1, records 1-100 of 281


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