Search Results (List)

Dataset: NMNH-Plantae
Search Criteria: Angola; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 26, records 2501-2600 of 2837

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - Botany

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2074381Gossweiler   139991948-05-29
Angola, Lunda Norte, Regio: Sector fitocorologico de Nordeste de Lunda. Circunscricao de Chitato, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1550191J. Gossweiler   93181930-10-00
Angola, Cuanza Sul, Regio, Distrito do Cuanza - Sul. Loco, Seles (Ucu). Proximen Flumen, Cambongo (Gunza) et Quéve (Cuvo), 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1867021-. Gossweiler   110451937-06-07
Angola, Regio, Distríto de Mossamedes. Mesa das Medos, Porto Alexandre., 30m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1162807-. Gossweiler   87561923-00-00
Angola, Zaire, Regio, Distrito do Congo Portugues. Sumba, Peco. Proximum Flumen, Zaire (Congo)., 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1936037-. Gossweiler   115261937-04-00
Angola, Regio, Lunda. Henrique de Carvalho (Saurimo). Proximum Flumen, Luachima., 1015m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1579383-. Gossweiler   97431933-12-28
Angola, Benguela, Angolensium. Regio, Ganda - high plateau of Benguela. Babaera., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Panicum nervatum (Franch.) Stapf
US 2079742-. Gossweiler   142251949-04-00
Angola, Annual or persistent in spots on which Raiwater accumulated. Desert country to the East of Mossamedes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Paspalum conjugatum P.J. Bergius
US 2180534-. Gossweiler   140661948-06-11
Angola, Colónia de Angola. Angolensium. Cacanda, Dundo. Poximum Flumen, Luachimo., 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1239493-. Gossweiler   8302
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Near Cassuala R.R. Station

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2074208-. Gossweiler   137401946-10-28
Angola, Regio, (Sector fitocorologico de Nordeste de Lunda, Circunscricao de Chitato) Loco Dundo, 700m

USw24375Collector unknown   122/2

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1868780-. Gossweiler   115551937-04-00
Angola, Lunda, Dala, near Chiumbe R., 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isodon ramosissimus (Hook. f.) Codd
US 1751872-. Gossweiler   109641937-05-20
Angola, Huila, Regio, Distríto de Huila. Ungueria - Chibia. Proximum Flumen, Chacuto.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2074508-. Gossweiler   142011948-06-25
Angola, Colonia de Angola, Regio Sector fitocorologico de Nordeste de Lunda. Circunsericao de Chitato. Dundo, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1751795-. Gossweiler   10777
Angola, Regio, Huila. Humpata. Nene., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2074057-. Gossweiler   135591947-02-01
Angola, Luanda, Regio Luanda, Musseque; Km.35 Railway line to Catete., 130m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aerva Forssk.
US 1550210-. Gossweiler   93731930-09-10
Angola, Cuanza Sul, Regio, Distríto do Cuanza-Sul. Seles (Ucu). Proximum Flumen, Cambongo (Gunza) et Quéve (Cuvo)., 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Andropogon textilis Welw. ex Rendle
US 1037918J. Gossweiler   2415
Angola, Benguela, Benguella; country of the Ganguellas and Ambuellas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Megastachya mucronata (Poir.) P. Beauv.
US 1162809-. Gossweiler   87361923-00-00
Angola, Zaire, Regio, Distrito do Congo Portugues. Sumba, Peco. Proximun Flumen, Zaire (Congo)., 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synsepalum cerasiferum (Welw.) T.D. Penn.
US 1579450A. Gossweiler   99561932-10-00
Angola, Cuanza Sul, Angolensium. Cuaza Sul, Amboim. Capir, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2710163G. D. Gibson   s.n.1973-03-00
Angola, Oncocua. omungondo ( Oruhimba), -16.58 13.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selaginella dregei (C. Presl) Hieron.
US 2424614-. Welwitsch   491858-12-00
Angola, Distr. Pungo Andongo, ad rupes Praesidii., 732 - 1158m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stipagrostis namaquensis (Nees) De Winter
US 1577800Gossweiler   97211932-12-16
Angola, Angolensium. Regio, Benguela litoral. Lengue., 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hack.) Stapf
US 1936063-. Gossweiler   1!7111937-04-00
Angola, Regio, Lunda. Muriege. Proximum Flumen, Muriege - Cassai., 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Xylotheca welwitschii
US 2074093-. Gossweiler   136061946-09-16
Angola, Lunda Norte, Regio: Nordeste da Lunda, Sector fitocorológico das explorações da "Companhia de Diamantes de Angola", Dundo, Luachima., 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Loudetia cuanzensis Lubke & Phipps
US 1936058Collector unknown   106951937-06-25
Angola, Cuanza.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1239511-. Gossweiler   84251922-10-19
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Regio Cuanza Norte district. Castende. Proximum Flumen Zenza., 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1038003J. Gossweiler   31291906-04-22
Angola, Benguela, Angola: Benguella: country of the Ganguellas and Ambuellas. Near Old Munongue.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2075578Soil Conservation Service   BN6200
Angola, W. Africa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dichapetalum bangii (Didr.) Engl.
US 1239699-. Gossweiler   87981922-03-03
Angola, Zaire, Regio, Distrito do Congo Portugues, Sumba, Peco., 30m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Loudetia simplex (Nees) C.E. Hubb.
US 1936043-. Gossweiler   115531937-04-00
Angola, Regio, Lunda. Dala. Proximum Flumem, Chiumbe., 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3646326J. Ward   951975-01-20
Angola, Moçamedes District, Iona airport; 5.5 km from Iona Posto along Espinheira road, 685m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1239682-. Gossweiler   87661922-09-02
Angola, Regio Duque de Braganza. River Luxila. Proximum Flumen Lucala., 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1526557-. Gossweiler   95171931-01-03
Angola, Malange, Regio, Planalto de Malange. Kela. Proximum Flumen, Lui., 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hyparrhenia nyassae (Rendle) Stapf
US 1162797-. Gossweiler   81920-02-02
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Regio, Cuanza Norte. Cassualala. Proximum Flumen Lucala., 40m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1550178J. Gossweiler   9292*1930-06-09
Angola, Angolensium, Regio Cazengo, Zavula, Proximum Flumen, Lucala., 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Solanaceae Juss.
US 2710201G. D. Gibson   291972-12-00
Angola, Muholo., -16.75 13.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dicraea Tul.
US 1239712J. Gossweiler   88561922-09-01
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Rianzoudo, proximum fluvio Lucala

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hyparrhenia bracteata (Humb. & Bonpl.) Stapf
US 1868783-. Gossweiler   115461937-04-00
Angola, Regio, Lunda. Dala. Proximum Flumem, Chiumbe., 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1751910J. Gossweiler   115041937-04-00
Angola, Lunda Sul, Henrique de Carvalho (Saurimo), nearest river Muriego to Lufige; Lunda region

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1239528-. Gossweiler   84681924-09-29
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Regio Cuanza norte distrite. Quilela Camabatela., 1225m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1239656-. Gossweiler   87171921-00-00
Angola, Zaire, Regio, Distrito do Congo Portugues, Sumba, Peco., 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1867047-. Gossweiler   10?1937-06-02
Angola, Huila, Regio, Distríto de Huila. Cahinde - Chella. Proximum Flumen, Chaculó., 570m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich.
US 1373574-. Gossweiler   91381926-06-00
Angola, Zaire, Regio Dístríto do Congo Portuguez. Sumba, Peco. Zaire (Congo).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Celtis L.
US 1579442-. Gossweiler   99471933-01-18
Angola, Cuanza Sul, Regio, Cuanza Sul, Amboim. Binga. Proximum Flumen, Cuvo., 760m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chionanthus niloticus (Oliv.) Stearn
US 1239707-. Gossweiler   88251922-09-01
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Regio, Cuanza Norte Duque de Braganza. Rianzondo. Proximum Flumen Lucala., 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2074188F. Gossweiler   137161946-10-21
Angola, Lunda Norte, Dundo; nearest river Luachimo, 700 - 700m

Polystachya cultriformis (Thouars) Lindl. ex Spreng.
US 2340033Collector unknown   1411959-07-27
Angola, Zaire

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1298724-. Gossweiler   91541926-05-00
Angola, Zaire, Regio, Dístríto do Congo Portuguez. Sumba, Peco. Proximum Flumen, Zaire (Congo)., 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1162004-. Gossweiler   86061921-11-16
Angola, Zaire, Angolensium. Regio Lower Congo. Santo Antonio do Zaire. Proximum Flumen Congo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1239624-. Gossweiler   86741922-00-00
Angola, Zaire, Regio, Distrito do Congo Portugues. Sumba, Peco. Proximum Flumen, Zaire (Congo)., 30m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1751925-. Gossweiler   116781937-04-00
Angola, Plantae Angolensium, Regio, Lunda, Loco, Henrique de Carvalho (Saurimo), proximo Flumen, Chicapa., 1015m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1126394F. Newton   46

Image Associated With the Occurence
Urochloa oligotricha (Fig. & De Not.) Henrard
US 2079729E. Borges   141631948-07-00
Angola, Regio Huambo-Benguela. Chianga-Nova Lisboa., 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guibourtia coleosperma (Benth.) J. Léonard
US 1751923J. Gossweiler   116671937-04-00
Angola, Lunda Sul, Henrique de Carvalho (Saurimo); Lunda; nearest river Chicapa

Image Associated With the Occurence
Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC.
US 2074107-. Gossweiler   136211946-09-21
Angola, Lunda Norte, Regio: Nordeste da Lunda (Angola), Sector fitocorológico das explorações da "Companhia" de Diamantes de Angola, Cassamba, Luachima., 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2074309-. Gossweiler   138861946-11-27
Angola, N of Lunda., 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv.
US 3659096T. Yamada   2501977-11-29
Angola, Zaire, Localité Kilimbwe, Collectivité Luindi, Zone de Mwenga, Région de Kivu., 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J. Sm.
US 3011053A. Leonard   6521958-04-25
Angola, Zaire, Yangambi,. prov. Orientale, Statio: Le long de l'eau

Image Associated With the Occurence
Digitaria monodactyla (Nees) Stapf
US 1162780-. Gossweiler   88691922-09-06
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Regio, Cuanza Norte Malange. Quipacaça. Proximum Flumem Cuije., 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 243865W. H. Brown & A. H. Brown   1301889-12-00
Angola, Western Africa. Kuanza - River, Cunga, Angola.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3687134M. Koekemoer   36652009-01-15
Angola, Huíla, S of Humpata near calcrete caves [6m GPS accuracy], -15.1686 13.3197, 1697m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.
US 2074146-. Gossweiler   136641946-09-26
Angola, In the gardens of the native vallage near Dundo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Asteraceae Dumort.
US 1751804A. Gossweiler   10789
Angola, Benguela, Benguela. Nora Lisboa - Huambo, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oxytenanthera abyssinica (A. Rich.) Munro
US 1526558Collector unknown   94781920-00-00
Angola, Malange, Kela, saba sage, 1000 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psophocarpus scandens (Endl.) Verdc.
US 2074345-. Gossweiler   139451946-00-00
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Ndalatando - Cazengo, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1038050J. Gossweiler   3314
Angola, Benguela, Benguella; country of the Ganguellas and Ambuellas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Strombosia Blume
US 2048675H. Pinto   2191949-06-00
Angola, Cabinda, Maiombe. Country Port. W. Africa.

Raphia vinifera P. Beauv.
US 1751912J. Gossweiler   115211937-04-00
Angola, Lunda Sul, Lunda, Chicapa, Henrique de Carvalho [Saurimo], 1015 - 1015m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1373600-. Gossweiler   91641926-04-00
Angola, Regio Distrito do Congo Portuguez, Sumba, Peco, Zaire (Congo), 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Agelanthus brunneus (Engl.) Tiegh.
US 1751731-. Gossweiler   106211937-09-05
Angola, Luanda, Regio, Luanda - Cacuaco. Panguila. Proximum Flumen, Bengo., 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1751757Gossweiler   106661937-06-16
Angola, Regio, Massamedes. At the Gargante- Ariaga. Km. 140. Proximum Flumen., 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Annea laxiflora (Benth.) Mackinder & Wieringa
US 1751724Collector unknown   106111937-11-22
Angola, Luanda, Luanda; km 32, Railway Colombo, 120 - 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Zonotriche inamoena (K. Schum.) Clayton
US 1526529ex herb. Servicos de Agricultura de Angola   94601930-00-00
Angola, Bie, Regio, Bihe.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1373622J. Gossweiler   s.n.1926-00-00
Angola, Sumba, Peco, District of Portuguese Congo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Andropogon schirensis Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 1936056-. Gossweiler   116761937-04-00
Angola, R [illegible text]io, Lunda. Henrique de Carvalho (Saurimo). Chicapa., 1015m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schmidtia pappophoroides Steud. ex J.A. Schmidt
US 1935973-. Gossweiler   108211937-05-31
Angola, Regio, Distríto de Mossamedes. Cahinde - Chela. Proximum Flumen, Cacuio Bero., 650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2074048-. Gossweiler   135481946-05-18
Angola, Luanda, Regio Luanda, Musseque viana Km. 21.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plicosepalus Tiegh.
US 3665583B. Huntley   35781975-02-10
Angola, Grid ref. 1612DC. Regio Angola. Moçamedes District. Iona. Iona Posto., 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1373623-. Gossweiler   91926-07-00
Angola, Zaire, Regio, Dístríto do Congo Portuguez. Sumba, Peco. Zaire (Congo).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Axonopus flexuosus (Peter) C. E. Hubb.
US 1162006-. Gossweiler   86091921-01-07
Angola, Agolensium. Regio Lower Congo. Peco stream. Proximum Flumen Congo., 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Loudetia simplex (Nees) C.E. Hubb.
US 1936054-. Gossweiler   116381937-04-00
Angola, Regio, Lunda. Henrique de Carvalho (Saurimo). Proximum Flumem, Chicapa., 1015m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1579431-. Gossweiler   99261933-01-14
Angola, Cuanza Sul, Regio, Cuanza Sul, Amboim. Capir. Proximum Flumen, Carloaongo - Cuvo., 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk.
US 1239524-. Gossweiler   84571922-09-27
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Regio Cuanza norte district, Samba-Caju along stream., 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1579387-. Gossweiler   97551933-01-28
Angola, Benguela, Regio Benguela high plateau, Banduahine - Barbaera

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Cunn.
US 1550262-. Gossweiler   95371931-02-03
Angola, Malange, Regio, Planalto de Malange, Kibo - Kela, Luando - Lui, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2074341-. Gossweiler   139371946-12-06
Angola, Linda. Ccumbi., 950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Conyza pyrrhopappa Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich.
US 3687138M. Koekemoer   36782009-01-15
Angola, Huíla, South of Humpata on route to the caves [9 m GPS accuracy], -15.0561 12.3956, 1872m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sporobolus festivus Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 1162243-. Gossweiler   85381922-03-28
Angola, Regio Lower Congo. Congo Yala. Proximum Flumen Congo., 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hyparrhenia familiaris (Steud.) Stapf
US 2180523-. Gossweiler   140761948-06-12
Angola, Lunda Norte, Colónia de Angola. Régio, (Sector fitocorológico de Nordeste de Lunda. Circunscrição de Chitato. Cossa. Poximum Flumen Luembe., 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 230884W. H. Brown & A. H. Brown   1421889-12-23
Angola, Kuanza River, Cunga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Chev.
US 2710186G. D. Gibson   51972-10-00
Angola, Muholo, -16.75 13.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1751810-. Gossweiler   0803
Angola, Benguela, Regio, Planalto de Benguela. Nora Lisboa, Quipeia. Proximum Flumen, Catumbela- Quere*., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1579445A. Gossweiler   99511932-10-00
Angola, Cuanza Sul, Cuanza Sul, Amboim. Capir, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aristida junciformis Trin. & Rupr.
US 1867063-. Gossweiler   113671937-01-17
Angola, Luanda, Regio, Luanda. Km 40 linha ferrea Columbo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2335539-. Gossweiler   4454
Angola, South Kensington.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1239728Collector unknown   89271923-07-10
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Cassualala, Cuanza, 40m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cladium mariscus (L.) Pohl
US 1239684-. Gossweiler   87761922-09-13
Angola, Cuanza Norte, Regio Cuanza Norte, Malange, Malange Swamps

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1029859Collector unknown   90791933-11-27
Angola, Cabinda, Maiombe, Nkanda Mbaku, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 231005W. H. Brown & A. H. Brown   1141889-12-21
Angola, Western Africa, Cunga.

Page 26, records 2501-2600 of 2837


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